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Results from Transform web
Short for OrganizationDomainModeling Main.ArieVanDeursen 15 May 2001
Homepage: Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications Deadline: April Conference: October see also: TransformationConferences ...
Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns is a book by Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz, published by Morgan Kaufmann and DPunkt. As the title says ...
Description OPTIMIX is a specification language for the specification of optimizers based on graph rewriting developed by UweAssman at the University of Karlsruhe ...
Description OPTRAN LMW88 is a specification language for attributed tree transformation written by Reinhard Wilhelm at the University of Saarlandes in the early 1980 ...
Object Identification is the search for candidate classes in a (procedural) LegacySystem See, for example, the following papers and their references: Maarit Haarsu ...
A framework is a set of classes that embodies an abstract design for solutions to a family of related problems (RalphJohnson and B. Foote, Journal of Object-Oriented ...
Examples of object-oriented programming languages are Simula67 BETA CPP JavaLanguage CategoryLanguage
Description of the language R++ from : R++ extends the C++ language with a single new programming construct the rule. In ...
Object-oriented Tree Traversal with Tools.JJForester TobiasKuipers, JoostVisser Abstract We want to use the advanced language processing technology available in the ...
Homepage: Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It is an open source alternative to MatLab ...
Homepage: CEO of Semmle, a company that develops .QL, an optimising implementation of Datalog for code queries ...
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
Homepage: PartialEvaluation SimilixSystem CategoryPeople
ON THE INVERSE OF COMPILING W.L. Caudle Sperry-UNIVAC 26 April 1980 1. INTRODUCTION It is fitting that the subject of program conversion aids and portability be a ...
7. SUMMARY A decompiler model has been described which was implemented and which achieved a relatively high figure of merit. There are, however, many fundamental ...
Read: You can use this web site like any other. Navigate: This website has some extra features not found on most other websites. For example, all internal links are ...
Open C++ is a version of CPP with the Metaobject Protocol providing reflection capabilities. The programmer who want to use Open C++ writes a meta-level program, which ...
OpenJava: A Class-Based Macro System for Java (pdf) Additional resources: OpenJava website OpenJava tutorial Master thesis on OpenJava: An Extension Mechanism for ...
The OpenSource movement propagates distribution of software with its source code . ...
Abstract In an idealized world, researchers work together to incrementally build an edifice of knowledge, and to disseminate this knowledge in accesible and usable ...
DomainEngineering methodology devised by Mark Simos and co-authors. The major steps include Plan domain: Set objectives, analyze stakeholde Scope domain: selection ...
MerijnDeJonge EelcoVisser JoostVisser
A Case Study of Open Source Software Development The XT bundle of program transformation tools is an example of OpenSourceAcademicSoftware. Motivation for XT distribution ...
Why Researchers should produce Open Source Software Many research activities, escpecially in the field of computer science, involve the development of software. Sometimes ...
A Methodology for Developing Open Source Software integration tests configuration completeness / bundling of tools The CVS manual has the following to say: A true ...
Further Reading on Open Source and Tool Distribution Open Source Software The idea of free software originates in the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The GNU tools ...
Requirements of Academic Software For published software to be effective it should satisfy the following requirements. Open source Platform independent Testing Interface ...
Technology for Production of Open Source Distributions automake autoconf GNU tools build files package configuration bundle configuration WikiWiki CVS Next: OsasCaseStudy ...
Here is a list of other websites with collections of information related to ProgramTransformation: RewritingHomePage A Directory of Program Transformation Systems ...
MAINWEB : Portal of Program-Transformation.Org Transform: Surveys of program transformation Stratego: A language for program transformation Tools: Program transformation ...
Homepage: Stratego.CodeBoost CategoryPeople

Number of topics: 33