Transform.ASF is the abbreviation of the Algebraic Specification Formalism developed at Transform.CWI and the University of Amsterdam. The formalism is used in combination ...
ASF+SDF is rewriting language with user-defined term syntax and support for tree traversals. It is used for SoftwareRenovation and rapid prototyping of DomainSpecificLanguages ...
A tool suite to support the development of specifications written in the ASFandSDF formalism. It includes parser and parser generator a structure editor an interpreter ...
ArchitectureExtraction is an attempt to recover SoftwareArchitecture from, for example, the source of a LegacySystem. ArchitectureExtraction typically starts with ...
I work at CWI, Amsterdam see Since this ProgramTransformation wiki covers many topics related to reverse and reengineering, and since these ...
3rd BElgium Netherlands Workshop on software EVOLution Location: TU/e, Eindhoven (how to get there: maps and route) You need to go to the Auditorium building, and ...
BENEVOL 2004 2nd BElgium Netherlands Workshop on software EVOLution Location: UA, Antwerpen Date: July 8-9, 2004 Sponsors: Lunch and dinner are sponsored by the two ...
Building Documentation Generators ArieVanDeursen, TobiasKuipers. In Proceedings International Conference on Software Maintenance ( ICSM 99). IEEE Computer Society ...
Building Program Understanding Tools Using Visitor Combinators by Transform.ArieVanDeursen and Transform.JoostVisser This paper describes how Transform.VisitorCombinators ...
CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica) is the Dutch national research center for mathematics and computer science. See ...
Domain-Specific Languages: An Annotated Bibliography. By ArieVanDeursen, PaulKlint and JoostVisser. We survey the literature available on the topic of DomainSpecificLanguages ...
Description The `dbs' package implements an open framework for daily-builds (i.e. regular performed builds to continuously verify the consistence of all parts of ...
DocGen is a DocumentationGeneration tool aimed at redocumenting LegacySystems written in languages such as COBOL, DB2, JCL, as well as proprietary languages. It is ...
Domain-Specific Language Design Requires Feature Descriptions ArieVanDeursen and PaulKlint Journal of Computing and Information Technology , 2002. Abstract A DomainSpecificLanguage ...
A little language, that helps in a particular application domain. A more formal definition from the DSLAnnotatedBibliography: A domain-specific language (DSL) is a ...
Conferences / Workshops / Journals / Special Issues devoted to DomainSpecificLanguages. (Listed in reverse chronological ordering of the submission date) Workshop ...
M. G. J. van den Brand, H. A. de Jong, P. Klint, and P. A. Olivier. Efficient Annotated Terms. Software Practice Experience , 30:259-291, 2000. Abstract How do distributed ...
GEL is an acronym that stands for Graph Exchange Language. Be careful to not confuse with GXL, which also stands for GraphExchangeLanguage. Resources: ftp://ftp.cwi ...
Conferences, workshops, and other events related to Generative Programming Calendar The events are ordered reverse chronologically. Feel free to add missing events ...
This page lists some links related to Generative Programming Sites, connected to the GenerativeProgrammingBook Wiki on Transform ...
This page list people that are or have been active in the field of Generative Programming. For each person, a brief characterisation of his/her GP activities is given ...
Here are some definitions of generative programming. 1 The goal of generative programming is to replace manual search, adaptation, and assembly of components with ...
GraphXML is a graph description language in XML. For details see (broken, but still available here). GraphXML An XML based graph ...
You can use this page to give your opinions on this Wiki: tell us what you think! The ReengineeringWiki is rather incomplete and biased towards the current users. ...
Identifying Objects using Cluster and Concept Analysis ArieVanDeursen and TobiasKuipers. In 21st International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE-99, 1999, ...
Industrial Applications of ASF SDF MarkVanDenBrand, ArieVanDeursen, PaulKlint, S. Klusener and E. A. van der Meulen. Industrial Applications of ASF+SDF. I n M. Wirsing ...
Description An island grammar only precisely defines small portions of the syntax of a language. The rest of the syntax is defined imprecisely, for instance as a ...
Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications Description The aim of this one day workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and industry ...
Language Prototyping: An Algebraic Specification Approach ArieVanDeursen, JanHeering, PaulKlint (editors) World Scientific Publishing Co., 1996. AMAST Series in Computing ...
Little Languages: Little Maintenance? By ArieVanDeursen and PaulKlint JournalOfSoftwareMaintenance, 10 :75-92, 1998 Abstract So-called little, or DomainSpecificLanguages ...
Textbook on Compiler Construction by AndrewAppel. Used in a course on High-Performance Compilers. See the HPC0102 web. Main.EelcoVisser 29 Oct 2001 I've written ...
Object-oriented Tree Traversal with Tools.JJForester TobiasKuipers, JoostVisser Abstract We want to use the advanced language processing technology available in the ...
Program Comprehension Risks and Opportunities in Extreme Programming ArieVanDeursen , CWI, May 2001. Proceedings WCRE 2001, IEEE Computer Society. Abstract We investigate ... The domain is hosted by Universiteit Utrecht and managed by EelcoVisser. The ...
Ralf Laemmel works at CWI and VU: Transformation topics: SCP Special Issue on Program Transformation ...
The Reengineering Wiki ArieVanDeursen and EelcoVisser In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering ( CSMR ), 2002. IEEE ...
Specification: RigiRSFSpecification Errata: In a source-location the elements are separated with comma, not semicolon. Errata for "Appendix: Tool Support": rigiedit ...
Risla is a DomainSpecificLanguage for interest rate products. It is an abbrevation for Rente Informatie Systeem Language. It's development started in the early 1990 ...
Program of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN on Rule Based Programming (RULE'02) October 5, 2002, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, USA. Time Title Authors 10:30 Design Patterns for Functional ...
Name of the workshop on Rule Based Programming (RULE) Associated with PPDP The goals of the workshop The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized by the repeated ...
Interactive Software Development and Renovation Group (SEN1) (CWI, Amsterdam) See also SoftwareRenovationAtCWI. Main.ArieVanDeursen ...
If you are looking for more up to date information on Software Evolution, please visit Definitions The Research Institute in Software ...
The ReverseAndReengineeringTaxonomy defines software renovation as a synonym for ReEngineering. In CWI parlance, it is covers research in the areas of ReverseEngineering ...
The SEN1 research group at CWI works on the following SoftwareRenovation topics: DocumentationGeneration for COBOL systems ArchitectureExtraction Type inferencing ...
Description Sort graphs are graphs that represent the dependencies between sorts in a grammar. Visual clues The following example sort graph provides a legend for ...
What should a course on SoftwareEvolution cover? The CCSE initiative has recognized software evolution as a separate knowledge area . The second draft of this initiative ...
Laemmel, Visser and Visser. The Essence Of Strategic Programming . Draft paper (October 15, 2002) (pdf,ps) Abstract programming is generic programming with the use ...
Conferences and Workshops on Program Transformation Transform-based Events Events with their home page on this wiki. Feel free to use this wiki to host the webpage ...
Here are some research groups that work on program transformation, ordered by region. Netherlands Software Technology Group (Universiteit Utrecht), http://www.cs.uu ...
Journals with an interest in ProgramTransformation ACM AppliedComputingReview ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems ( ACM Transactions on Software ...
Visitor Combination and Traversal Control by Transform.JoostVisser This paper describes VisitorCombinators. These are implementations of the Visitor interface that ...
WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Transform web. This is a convenient service, so you do not ...
The software on which this WikiWikiWeb runs is starting to become antiquated. It lacks many features that would be useful in a Wiki. It is also a problem that it does ...
2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Rule-Based Programming Workshop Program Satellite event of PLI'02 Saturday, October 5, 2002 Pittsburgh, USA http://www.program-transformation ...