Searched: Software *Reuse[^A-Za-z]
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An attempt to automate software reuse at NASA, particularly for domain specialists who are unfamiliar with available software libraries. They implemented a system ...
ConceptAnalysis is a mathematical approach to building taxonomies. Given a set of objects, a set of attributes, and a feature table telling which object has which ...
Domain Engineering involves creating a set of reusable assets for building systems in a particular problem domain. These reusable assets are then assembled to customer ...
Feature-Oriented DomainAnalysis (FODA). FODA is one of the first DomainEngineering methods. It was developed at the SEI in the early 1990s. It has introduced the FeatureModel ...
International Conference on SoftwareReuse 2002: Deadline: October Conference: April CategoryConference
Description Intentional programming developed at Microsoft Research Ait98 is a method for extending a language with new constructs or intentions . The meaning of ...
A survey of software architecture is provided by David Garlan, in SoftwareArchitectureARoadMap. Garlan loosely defines architecture as a software system's gross organization ...
Charles W. Krueger provides a survey in the ACM Computing Surveys 24(2):131-183, June 1992. Software reuse is the process of creating software systems from existing ... derived/home.htm cmp indust110 bnr.gif The IEEE TCSE Committee on ReverseEngineering and ReEngineering This committee, chaired by CristinaCifuentes ...
What should a course on SoftwareEvolution cover? The CCSE initiative has recognized software evolution as a separate knowledge area . The second draft of this initiative ...
Conferences and Workshops on Program Transformation Transform-based Events Events with their home page on this wiki. Feel free to use this wiki to host the webpage ...
From the DSLAnnotatedBibliography: Our definition of DomainSpecificLanguages inherits the vagueness of one of its defining terms: problem domain . Rather than attempting ...

Number of topics: 12