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Results from Transform web
A sub-site of ProgramTransformationOrg gives a view of the pages in the XTWikiWiki high-lighting a specific subject. Such subsites have their own URL such that they ...
Web sites (all in Japanese): "Anatomizer entrance" with legal matter Main page http: ...
3rd BElgium Netherlands Workshop on software EVOLution Location: TU/e, Eindhoven (how to get there: maps and route) You need to go to the Auditorium building, and ...
BENEVOL 2004 2nd BElgium Netherlands Workshop on software EVOLution Location: UA, Antwerpen Date: July 8-9, 2004 Sponsors: Lunch and dinner are sponsored by the two ...
Several papers covering DSL design issues such as DomainEngineering are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography. This page contains several DSLBibliographyAdditions ...
dcc is a research decompiler, written as a proof of concept for Cifuentes' PhD thesis. A complete distribution of dcc (executable, source, tools to generate signatures ...
Dava Java Decompiler Tests These tests were performed on the Dava decompiler which comes with Soot 2.0.1. The author stated in early 2003 that there is a newer version ...
This page contains links to projects peripherally related to decompilation. TOC Binary files Information on the internal format of binary files at the Wotsit's File ...
.NET Decompiler Comparison See Net Decompiler Tests .NET Decompilers Salamander is a commercial decompiler for .NET. The web page allows decompiling of moderately ...
The Father of Decompilation ATTACHURL /maury.jpg \ ATTACHURL /maurysig.jpg Permission Requested. IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering. \ Figure courtesy of Bill ...
You can use this page to give your opinions on this Wiki: tell us what you think! The ReengineeringWiki is rather incomplete and biased towards the current users. ...
History of Decompilation (1980-1999) See also On the Inverse of Compiling, April 1980. #TopicZebra Zebra, 1981 The Zebra prototype was developed at the Naval Underwater ...
A paper on a VisualLanguage for RuleBasedProgramming URL: CategoryPaper
Program transformation systems for Java programs (that is, Java is the object language) usually operate on an abstract syntax representation of the Java source code ...
Contact Information Laboratory of Database Application Engineering (LIBD) University of Namur rue grandgagnage 21d 5000 Namur Belgium e-mail : jean.henrard@info.fundp ...
Journal of Systems and Software On line at: ob JournalURL cdi 5651 auth y acct C000040419 version ...
MAINWEB : Portal of Program-Transformation.Org Transform: Surveys of program transformation Stratego: A language for program transformation Tools: Program transformation ...
The Rigi user interface is a graph editor, called RigiEdit ( rigiedit ), which is used to browse, analyze, and modify a graph that models a given system. This graph ...
Rigi Q A In this document the following tools are frequently mentioned: sortrsf (See SortRSF) htmlrsf (See HtmlRSF) rigiedit (See RigiEdit) Q: rigiedit is dog-slow ...
Information if you are new to Rigi: Purpose Rigi is a ReverseEngineering environment. It consists of a set of tools: parsers, command-line utilities, and an interactive ...
Name of the workshop on Rule Based Programming (RULE) Associated with PPDP The goals of the workshop The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized by the repeated ...
Software Design And Management AG. Consulting firm which also does ReEngineering projects using its own hypertext repository called SHORE. SHORE ...
SourceAgain is a commercial Java decompiler by Ahpah Software. SourceAgain correctly recovers Java control structures and optimizations from the bytecode. Further ...
Ralf Lämmel and Eelco Visser and Joost Visser. Strategic Programming Meets Adaptive Programming . In Proceedings of Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'03) ...
Dagstuhl Seminar 3061 Software Architecture: Recovery and Modelling More information on this seminar: ...
Ingredients of a Course on Transformation What should a good course on transformation offer? Existing Courses about Transformation A list of courses with transformation ...
Laemmel, Visser and Visser. The Essence Of Strategic Programming . Draft paper (October 15, 2002) (pdf,ps) Abstract programming is generic programming with the use ...
VISSOFT: Visualising Software for Understanding and Analysis Deadline: February Conference: June Colocated with IWPC. URL: Topics ...
See also the announcements about specific systems in SystemNews. STARTINCLUDE STOPINCLUDE 2007-01-08 is back online after absence for a ...
The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki.Transform web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWIKIWEB . WIKIPREFSTOPIC , and can ...
MAINWEB : Portal of Program-Transformation.Org Transform: Surveys of program transformation Stratego: A language for program transformation Tools: Program transformation ...
Java: JSR 173: Microsoft's XmlReader Main.MartinBravenboer 30 May 2002

Number of topics: 32