Attribute grammars were introduced by DonaldKnuth in 1968 for the definition of the semantics of (programming) languages. An attribute grammar is a specification that ...
The category of pages related to ProgramAnalysis. SEARCH{search "CategoryAnalysis" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" format " $topic " } CategoryCategory ...
IDA Pro is a commercial program for disassembling a wide array of different file types for different processors, written by Ilfak Guilfanov. It can disassemble virtually ...
International Symposium on SoftwareTesting and Analysis Every two years. Call for papers: February Conference: July Proceedings: ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ...
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on ProgramAnalysis for Software Tools and Engineering 2002: 2001: http://www.infosun.fmi.uni ...
Parallel Application Software on High Performance Computers. Survey of Parallel Performance Tools and Debuggers. by R. J. Allan, J. Heggarty, M. Goodman and R. R ...
Parallel Application Software on High Performance Computers. Survey of Parallel Performance Tools and Debuggers. by R. J. Allan, J. Heggarty, M. Goodman and R. R ...
ProgramAnalysis is the (automated) inspection of a program to infer some property. Program analysis is needed for most kinds of ProgramTransformation and can range ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ... Standard ML of New Jersey is a free Standard ML compiler, ported to many platforms. It does not directly compile to stand alone applications ...
Bibliographies TransformationReviews ResearchIndex on program transformation : program+transformation cs 1 Bibliography on partial ...
Description Several companies provide products or services based on program analysis and transformation technology AbsInt AbsoftCompany AllenSystemsGroup (Viasoft ...
Conferences and Workshops on Program Transformation Transform-based Events Events with their home page on this wiki. Feel free to use this wiki to host the webpage ...
Here are some research groups that work on program transformation, ordered by region. Netherlands Software Technology Group (Universiteit Utrecht), http://www.cs.uu ...
An overview of various forms of ProgramTransformation. Translation ProgramMigration ProgramSynthesis ProgramRefinement ProgramCompilation ReverseEngineering DeCompilation ...
Type-based program analysis is a form of ProgramAnalysis in which type information is used to infer properties of a program. JensPalsberg, Type-Based Analysis and ...
VISSOFT: Visualising Software for Understanding and Analysis Deadline: February Conference: June Colocated with IWPC. URL: Topics ...
Topics Topics discussed at WCRE include but are not limited to: SoftwareMaintenance and SoftwareEvolution DeCompilation and BinaryTranslation ProgramComprehension ...