Searched: Object *Identification[^A-Za-z]
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ArchitectureExtraction is an attempt to recover SoftwareArchitecture from, for example, the source of a LegacySystem. ArchitectureExtraction typically starts with ...
Finding groups in data by computing distances or similarities between elements. In ReverseEngineering, typically used for remodularization, ObjectIdentification, and ...
ConceptAnalysis is a mathematical approach to building taxonomies. Given a set of objects, a set of attributes, and a feature table telling which object has which ...
Identifying Objects using Cluster and Concept Analysis ArieVanDeursen and TobiasKuipers. In 21st International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE-99, 1999, ...
Object Identification is the search for candidate classes in a (procedural) LegacySystem See, for example, the following papers and their references: Maarit Haarsu ...
What should a course on SoftwareEvolution cover? The CCSE initiative has recognized software evolution as a separate knowledge area . The second draft of this initiative ...
Topics Topics discussed at WCRE include but are not limited to: SoftwareMaintenance and SoftwareEvolution DeCompilation and BinaryTranslation ProgramComprehension ...

Number of topics: 7