Adaptive Pattern Matching by R. C. Sekar, R. Ramesh and I. V. Ramakrishnan in SIAM Journal on Computing Volume 24, Number 6 pp. 1207-1234 ...
Web sites (all in Japanese): "Anatomizer entrance" with legal matter Main page http: ...
This page is my refutation of a Frequently Asked Question answer on decompilation. The original page is difficult to find now in its complete form, so I have archived ...
Code generation (also called selection) is a transformation performed in the back-ends of compilers. At this state of compilation representation expressions are transformed ... The Database Managers company used to offer DataFlex Decompilers in two forms: as a stand-alone licensed program or as a service. Now, they ...
Compiler-Specific or Pattern Matching Decompilers This approach tries to find the reverse mapping of the executable to the source based on analysing the output generated ...
Description The optimizer prototyping toolset Dora Farnum90 consists of a set of languages embedded in Lisp. One of the languages is the transformation language Tess ...
Cameron and Ito. Grammar-Based Definition of Metaprogramming Systems. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1984, Pages 20-54 ...
Haskell is a general purpose lazy programming language. The language is a grateful subject of transformation. Program transformations play a prime role in GHC, the ...
History of Decompilation (1960-1979) Decompilers have been written for a variety of applications since the development of the first compilers. The very first decompiler ...
History of Decompilation (1980-1999) See also On the Inverse of Compiling, April 1980. #TopicZebra Zebra, 1981 The Zebra prototype was developed at the Naval Underwater ...
History of Decompilation (2000-present) #TopicAsm21toc University of London's Asm21toc reverse compiler, 2000. This assembly language decompiler for Digital Signal ...
Implementation of Program Transformation Systems Here is a list of techniques that are used in the implementation of transformation systems LexicalAnalysis ProgramParsing ...
Description Intentional programming developed at Microsoft Research Ait98 is a method for extending a language with new constructs or intentions . The meaning of ...
Kevin D. Quitt wrote the following, about his compiler specific approach: 1. The executable has to be examined to see if it's a compressed executable (like what PKLITE ...
Resources Pattern Matching Pointers : Definition Term pattern matching comes in many variations. The basic problem ...
ProgramAnalysis is the (automated) inspection of a program to infer some property. Program analysis is needed for most kinds of ProgramTransformation and can range ...
Homepage: Prop is a multiparadigm extension of C++, and is designed for building high performance compiler and language transformation ...
A rewrite rule is a rule of the form lhs rhs where lhs and rhs are term patterns. It declares that any instance of lhs rewrites to the corresponding instance of rhs ...
RewritingStrategies are little programs that define the position and order of application of RewriteRules. Rules are identified by means of labels. Typical strategy ... Note the hyphen: is a different company (see JuggerSoft). From the Source Recovery Company's web page: We use ...
Tom is a pattern matching compiler for Tree and XML based transformations in Java. Homepage: Contact: Tom Influences ELAN ASFandSDF ...
Bibliographies TransformationReviews ResearchIndex on program transformation : program+transformation cs 1 Bibliography on partial ...
Topics in the implementation of ProgramTransformation: ProgramRepresentation AbstractSyntax HigherOrderAbstractSyntax ProgramParsing LexicalAnalysis ContextFreeParsing ...
Jonne van Wijngaarden and Visser. Program Transformation Mechanics. A Classification of Mechanisms for Program Transformation with a Survey of Existing Transformation ...
This page provides a list of papers that are discussed at ProgramTransformationOrg. See the TransformationBibliography for other bibliographies in the area of ProgramTransformation ...
The design and evaluation of appropriate SoftwareArchitectures is key to the effective development, management, evolution, and reuse of software systems. However, ...