Searched: Facts *Extraction[^A-Za-z]
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ArchitectureExtraction is an attempt to recover SoftwareArchitecture from, for example, the source of a LegacySystem. ArchitectureExtraction typically starts with ...
Fact extractors for C++: AcaCia ColumbusCAN cppx TkSeeSN vacppparse XML output extension to the C++ front-end to GCC. It produces an XML representation ...
ExtractorBenchmarks address the difficulties of FactsExtraction. A benchmark has many applications; it could be used by developers of extractors as a test suite; by ...
FactsExtraction is the first step of a ReverseEngineering or ReEngineering effort. An extractor (a.k.a. parser or analyzer) processes the LegacySystem's artifacts ...

Number of topics: 4