Searched: Soft *Meta *Ware[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
This page is intended to discuss the question Is Domain Engineering compatible with Agile Software Development? Given the current popularity of agile methodologies ...
Conferences, workshops, and other events related to Generative Programming Calendar The events are ordered reverse chronologically. Feel free to add missing events ...
This page list people that are or have been active in the field of Generative Programming. For each person, a brief characterisation of his/her GP activities is given ...
The first workshop on this topic was very successful, resulting in the GenerativeModelTransformer project. A second workshop is scheduled for 27 October at OOPSLA ...
Jorn Bettin Transform.CategoryPeople
SoftMetaWare provides consulting services on-site as required, or remotely via web-based collaboration tools when appropriate. We specialise in implementing model ...

Number of topics: 6