Searched: GXL[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Columbus/CAN is a reverse engineering tool devloped by FrontEndART. It is available as a free download. The system extracts C++ (ISO/IEC standard C++, Microsoft and ...
CPPX is a free, open source fact extractor for C++. It is build on top of GNU g++, and produces a graph according to the Datrix fact model, in either GXL, TA, or VCG ...
A data exchange format provides a formal notation for the linear description of data to be exchanged between tools. See the ExchangeFormatBibliography for an overview ...
Exchange Format Bibliography by HolgerKienle, JoergCzeranski and ThomasEisenbarth This paper gives a bibliographical overview and a classification of ExchangeFormats ...
GEL is an acronym that stands for Graph Exchange Language. Be careful to not confuse with GXL, which also stands for GraphExchangeLanguage. Resources: ftp://ftp.cwi ...
The Graph Description Language (GDL) of the VCG tool and its successor aiSee describes graphs in terms of nodes, edges, subgraphs and their attributes. The GDL syntax ...
Originated from graph-based modeling research done in Koblenz see and The Graph Exchange Language (GXL) is designed ...
TkSeeSN is a C/C++ extractor with TA++ and GXL output. It is based on SourceNavigator.
Homepage: XML is the Extensible Markup Language, a format for the exchange of structured data. XML, which is a simplified subset of SGML, was ...

Number of topics: 9