Searched: Software *Renovation[^A-Za-z]
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ASF+SDF is rewriting language with user-defined term syntax and support for tree traversals. It is used for SoftwareRenovation and rapid prototyping of DomainSpecificLanguages ...
A new revision of this paper is available under the title Survey of Strategies in Rule Based Program Transformation Systems. Main.EelcoVisser 12 Mar 2004 Main.EelcoVisser ...
The following companies offer decompilation services (from binary code or assembly code). The techniques used by these companies are usually proprietary, but often ...
Generation of Software Renovation Factories from Compilers by Alex Sellink and Chris Verhoef. Available: postscript 1 html 2 pdf 3
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ...
The ReverseAndReengineeringTaxonomy defines reengineering as: the examination and alteration of a subject system to reconstitute it in a new form and the subsequent ...
Scaffolding for Software Renovation by Alex Sellink and Chris Verhoef. Available: ps 1 html 2 pdf 3
If you are looking for more up to date information on Software Evolution, please visit Definitions The Research Institute in Software ...
The ReverseAndReengineeringTaxonomy defines software renovation as a synonym for ReEngineering. In CWI parlance, it is covers research in the areas of ReverseEngineering ...
The SEN1 research group at CWI works on the following SoftwareRenovation topics: DocumentationGeneration for COBOL systems ArchitectureExtraction Type inferencing ...
Description The Asf+Sdf meta-environment has been used as a platform for program transformation geared towards SoftwareRenovation. The basic idea is to generate default ...
A ProgramTransformation paradigm is an area of application of TransformationTechniques. Paradigms that are employed in compilers and other automatic language processors ...
An overview of various forms of ProgramTransformation. Translation ProgramMigration ProgramSynthesis ProgramRefinement ProgramCompilation ReverseEngineering DeCompilation ...

Number of topics: 14