Domain Analysis is the first DomainEngineering step. Following GenerativeProgrammingBook, p. 23, the purpose of Domain Analysis is to: Select and define the domain ...
Following GenerativeProgrammingBook, p.24, the purpose of Domain Design is to develop a SoftwareArchitecture for the family of systems in the domain ; and to devise ...
Domain Engineering involves creating a set of reusable assets for building systems in a particular problem domain. These reusable assets are then assembled to customer ...
Part of the FeatureModel giving a graphical representation of variable and common concept features. Feature diagrams distinguish between mandatory, optional, alternative ...
A feature model results from DomainAnalysis / DomainEngineering. It covers A description of the individual features The feature commonalities and variabilities of ...
Feature-Oriented DomainAnalysis (FODA). FODA is one of the first DomainEngineering methods. It was developed at the SEI in the early 1990s. It has introduced the FeatureModel ...
TOC Introduction The lists below are generated automatically based on the Category mechanism it may take some time to construct the complete page. If you feel a ...
DomainEngineering methodology devised by Mark Simos and co-authors. The major steps include Plan domain: Set objectives, analyze stakeholde Scope domain: selection ...
TOC Introduction Below the main pages of the ReengineeringWiki are listed. It provides an overview of the topics currently discussed. The map below is partly generated ...
Software product line Group of products, sharing a common, managed set of features to satisfy the needs of a selected market. J. Withey, Investment Analysis of Software ...
SoftwareVariability is an important source of complexity in software. Variability management is concerned controlling the versions and configurations of a software ...