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Results from Stratego web
By representing a strategy as a term, it can be passed around. This requires an EvalStrategy operator that evaluates such a term. This need not be a primitive; Problems ...
Since its always interesting to see how ideas develop, this page contains a reconstruction of the development of StrategoLanguage and its implementation. March 1997 ...
Strategies for Program Transformation Stratego Tutorial at ETAPS Full Day Tutorial on April 14, 2002 at Transform.ETAPS 2002 in Grenoble, France Handouts are now ...
2004-02-25 Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. Key features of the language include: ...

Number of topics: 4
Results from Transform web
Homepage: ELAN RewritingCalculus CategoryPeople
ELAN is an algebraic specification formalism that first introduced RewritingStrategies. Homepage: Contact: ELAN Influences AlgebraicSpecification ...
Homepage: ELAN CategoryPeople
Homepage: ELAN RewritingCalculus CategoryPeople
RewritingStrategies are little programs that define the position and order of application of RewriteRules. Rules are identified by means of labels. Typical strategy ...
Definitions Here are some attempts at definitions of rule-based programming. Feel free to comment or add your own. The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized ...
Name of the workshop on Rule Based Programming (RULE) Associated with PPDP The goals of the workshop The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized by the repeated ...
Strategies play an important role in ProgramTransformation. The purpose of this survey is to get an overview of the styles of strategies used in various TransformationSystems ...
This page collects links to systems that implement TermRewriting and related paradigms. See also the general list of TransformationSystems. Feel free to add links ...
Tom is a pattern matching compiler for Tree and XML based transformations in Java. Homepage: Contact: Tom Influences ELAN ASFandSDF ...
A program transformation system is a (collection of) tool(s) for implementing ProgramTransformations. Survey of Transformation Systems There are many transformation ...
Description (from call for papers) Rule-based formalisms are ubiquitous in computer science, and even more so in constraint reasoning and programming. In constraint ...
2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Rule-Based Programming Workshop Program Satellite event of PLI'02 Saturday, October 5, 2002 Pittsburgh, USA http://www.program-transformation ...

Number of topics: 13
Results from WebDSL web
2004-02-25 Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. Key features of the language include: ...

Number of topics: 1