Searched: Category *Reverse *Engineering[^A-Za-z]
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ArchitectureExtraction is an attempt to recover SoftwareArchitecture from, for example, the source of a LegacySystem. ArchitectureExtraction typically starts with ...
CategoryReverseEngineering: pages devoted to ReverseEngineering. SEARCH{search "CategoryReverseEngineering" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on ...
Finding groups in data by computing distances or similarities between elements. In ReverseEngineering, typically used for remodularization, ObjectIdentification, and ...
CodeCrawler is a language independent ReverseEngineering tool for systems written in ObjectOrientedProgrammingLanguages which combines metrics and SoftwareVisualization ...
ConceptAnalysis is a mathematical approach to building taxonomies. Given a set of objects, a set of attributes, and a feature table telling which object has which ...
DERIVE: a tool to ReverseEngineering instruction encodings Source: ...
In information systems, or data-oriented applications, i.e., in applications the central component of which is a database (or a set of permanent files), it is generally ...
Decompilation is a ProgramTransformation by which a high-level source code for an executable program is discovered. Decompilation is the inverse of ProgramCompilation ...
Deriving (on line) documentation from source code. The purpose is to help maintainers or developers understand the system they are working on. The article BuildingDocumentationGenerators ...
ExtractorBenchmarks address the difficulties of FactsExtraction. A benchmark has many applications; it could be used by developers of extractors as a test suite; by ...
FactsExtraction is the first step of a ReverseEngineering or ReEngineering effort. An extractor (a.k.a. parser or analyzer) processes the LegacySystem's artifacts ...
Description An island grammar only precisely defines small portions of the syntax of a language. The rest of the syntax is defined imprecisely, for instance as a ...
Object Identification is the search for candidate classes in a (procedural) LegacySystem See, for example, the following papers and their references: Maarit Haarsu ...
PREA Panel on Reverse Engineering and Architectural evolution Co-located with CSMR 2002 Tuesday 12 March 2002, 14:00 16:00 ReverseEngineering is the process of recovering ...
The Reengineering Forum is an industry association to encourage combined industry/research review of the state of the art and the state of the practice in reengineering ...
TOC Introduction Below the main pages of the ReengineeringWiki are listed. It provides an overview of the topics currently discussed. The map below is partly generated ...
In 1990, ElliotChikofsky and JamesCross published Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy , IEEE Software 7(1):13-17, 1990. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety ...
The ReverseAndReengineeringTaxonomy defines reverse engineering as: The process of analyzing a subject system with two goals in mind: 1 to identify the system's components ...
BrueggeAndDutoit define round trip engineering as A model maintenance activity that combines forward and reverse engineering. Changes to the implementation model are ...
The SEN1 research group at CWI works on the following SoftwareRenovation topics: DocumentationGeneration for COBOL systems ArchitectureExtraction Type inferencing ...
Software Architecture Recovery and Modelling WCRE 2001 Discussion Forum Stuttgart, 2 October, 2001 Software architecture recovery aims at presenting existing software ... derived/home.htm cmp indust110 bnr.gif The IEEE TCSE Committee on ReverseEngineering and ReEngineering This committee, chaired by CristinaCifuentes ...
Working Conference on ReverseEngineering Submission: May (varies slightly) Conference: October (varies slightly) Pointers Upcoming conference web site: http://swerl ...

Number of topics: 23