Searched: Rigi *FAQ[^A-Za-z]
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htmlrsf is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup, docu is located at $RIGI/doc/rigiutils/htmlrsf.html executable ...
Homepage: Topics: RigiSystem
The Rigi user interface is a graph editor, called RigiEdit ( rigiedit ), which is used to browse, analyze, and modify a graph that models a given system. This graph ...
ReverseEngineering system to extract, navigate, analyze and document the static structure of large software systems. The topics ...
sortrsf is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup: documentation is located at $RIGI/doc/rigiutils/sortrsf.html ...

Number of topics: 5