Searched: ICON[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
This Claudio's own research home page. Soon I will upload my papers to this page! Claudio Riva test whether this works!
PhilipWadler. Deforestation: Transforming Programs to Eliminate Trees. European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'88) , Nancy, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ...
Domain Analysis is the first DomainEngineering step. Following GenerativeProgrammingBook, p. 23, the purpose of Domain Analysis is to: Select and define the domain ...
You can use this page to give your opinions on this Wiki: tell us what you think! The ReengineeringWiki is rather incomplete and biased towards the current users. ...
ICON is a high-level programming language Resources Main.EelcoVisser 20 Feb ...
New-style EXE Format An executable (.EXE) file for the Windows operating system contains a combination of code and data or a combination of code, data, and resources ... The New Jersey Machine-Code (NJMC) Toolkit helps programmers write applications that process machine code assemblers, disassemblers ...
DomainEngineering methodology devised by Mark Simos and co-authors. The major steps include Plan domain: Set objectives, analyze stakeholde Scope domain: selection ...
Laemmel, Visser and Visser. The Essence Of Strategic Programming . Draft paper (October 15, 2002) (pdf,ps) Abstract programming is generic programming with the use ...

Number of topics: 9