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Results from Tiger web
The ASM package provides the front-end of the TigerCompiler consisting of the following components: ASMFormat RA FinishFunctions PPASM RunTimeSystem The BackEndArchitecture ...
Part of the ASM package of the TigerCompiler. ASM-Format.r INCLUDE{""} Main.EelcoVisser 05 Dec 2001 CompilerComponent ...
Part of the ASM package of the TigerCompiler. ASM-Optimize.r INCLUDE{""} Main.EelcoVisser 05 Dec 2001 ...
After finishing the basic TigerCompiler, extend it with at least one optimization component. Which optimization in which stage of compilation you implement is up to ...
Signature of the AbstractAssemblyLanguage; part of the ASM package of the TigerCompiler. ASM.r INCLUDE{""} Main ...
The diagram below depicts the data flow in the back-end of the TigerCompiler. It is an extract from the complete CompilerArchitecture. These components are provided ...
A basic block is a list of non-control flow instructions. A basic block starts with a label and ends with a (conditional) jump to another basic block. Main.EelcoVisser ...
Binary operations of the Stratego.IR language
CIR-Format is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package that checks the well-formedness of canonicalized IntermediateRepresentation trees. The component ...
(in dutch) Instructieselectie werkt nu aardig maar wat mij nog onduidelijk is, is hoe je bij het aanroepen van een andere functie code genereert om de callee-saved ...
Canonicalization Implement the IRCanonicalize component that transforms IntermediateRepresentation expressions into canonical form. The component can be found in ...
This is the category of assignments in the course. Click on the title to get them all. CategoryCategory
Category of categories. CategoryCategory
The diagram below depicts the data flow in the TigerCompiler for the HpcProject. Red edges denote the data flow of the compiler. Green edges denote data flow in the ...
The components of the TigerCompiler (including exchange formats): SEARCH{"CompilerComponent" nosearch "on" noheader "on" format " $topic "}
The diagram below gives a global overview of the data flow in the TigerCompiler. The details are given in the complete CompilerArchitecture. Red edges depict data ...
The Tiger in Stratego is divided into several packages, in order to make it easier to distribute only parts of the compiler and to add new components. Languages Front ...
Appel writes in the preface to Modern Compiler Implementation in ML: Over the past decade there have been several shifts in the way compilers are built. New kinds ...
The default escaping variables analysis is very conservative and makes all variables escaping by annotating their declaration with Stack(x) . In order for your compiler ...
See ExtendTigerWithDoWhile
The distribution of the Tiger in Stratego project. TOC Download Source (.tar.gz) and RPM distributions are available at: ...
Extend TigerLanguage with a do-while construct. This requires updating the following components from the TigerFront package: TigerSyntax TigerAbstractSyntax TigerDesugar ...
See ExtendTigerWithDoWhile
The compiler can easily be extended since it is component-based. Adding a new optimization phase, extending the syntax of the language, or replacing the back-end, ...
INCLUDE{" TWIKIWEB .FileAttachment"}
After allocation rule Finish puts the finishing touches to the body of a procedure by generating code for allocating the frame on entering the function and for deleting ...
The frame pointer is a register that contains the address of start of the currently active frame, while the pointer points to the top of the stack. A virtual frame ...
Q: How can I stay up to date with what is going on? A: Subscribe yourself to a daily message with pages changed in this wiki web by adding your name to the list in ...
The diagram below depicts the data flow in the front-end of the TigerCompiler. It is an extract from the complete CompilerArchitecture. The components of the front ...
This is the Wiki entry for the course on High-Performance Compilers given at Utrecht University in the Fall of 2000. The official website of the course is http://www ...
The TigerCompiler consists of four CompilerPackages. Download each of these packages. Installing Tools.XT To use the TigerCompiler packages you need an installation ...
There are a bunch of test cases in the xmpl subdirectory of the TigerXmpl package. After you have built the TigerCompiler or just some of its CompilerPackages, you ...
2000/10/10 Tiger-0.9 is available. You can find it at WebHome. New in this version: asm/Allocate-Registers is a complete implementation of register allocation with ...
The HpcProject is divided in the following assignments Tiger with DoWhile expressions by hand expressions to intermediate representation escaping variables intermediate ...
Books and Articles on Optimizing Compilers ModernCompilerImplementation HighPerformanceCompilersForParrallelComputing Other Sites Google Web Directory http://directory ...
Canonicalization of IR Programs This is the third set of HpcExercises. The final goal of this set of exercises is the definition of a transformation that brings IR ...
Escaping Variables This is the seventh set of HpcExercises. The current implementation of WebHome stores all formal and local variables in the stack frame, even if ...
In 2001-2002 exercises are called HpcAssignments. This page contains the exercises from 2000-2001. They might contain useful tips for your project. The following sets ...
Instruction Selection for the MIPS This is the fourth set of HpcExercises. In these exercises you build an instruction selector for IR programs that produces MIPS ...
Tiger ModernCompilerImplementation by Transform.AndrewAppel Stratego HpcSlides Stratego.StrategoDocumentation TigerCompiler documentation MIPS SpimSimulator Gentle ...
Liveness Analysis This is the fifth set of HpcExercises. 1. Finish the implementation in asm/Liveness.r by providing the code to compute the data flow equations for ...
The assignment for the course is to implement a compiler for the TigerLanguage in the Stratego.StrategoLanguage. The CompilerArchitecture explains the overall structure ...
Register Allocation This is the sixth set of HpcExercises. 1. Implement register allocation (without coalescing). 2. Finish the loose ends and make your compiler ...
In the course we discuss the following topics (Chapters refer to Transform.ModernCompilerImplementationInML). The project entries in the schedule are steps in building ...
High-Performance Compilers High-Perfomance Compilers (Introduction) ps, ps (4up) Abstract Syntax and Assembly Code ps, ps (4up) Translation to Intermediate Code ps ...
Tiger Abstract Syntax This is the first set of HpcExercises that will teach you the structure of the abstract syntax of the TigerLanguage, the use of the StrategoCompiler ...
Translation to Intermediate Representation This is the second set of HpcExercises. These will teach you to write a more complex transformation (translation to IR ...
The IR package provides syntax of and operations on the Representation. IntermediateRepresentation concrete and abstract syntax PPIR Pretty-print table for IRCanonicalize ...
The IR2ASM component of the TigerCompiler (in the TigerTrans package) implements InstructionSelection for the MIPS archticture. IR2ASM.r The module below is a template ...
IR-Canonicalize is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package. It normalizes IntermediateRepresentation trees such that: expressions don't have side ...
The IR-Format component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package checks the well-formedness of IntermediateRepresentation trees. It is a useful debugging tool ...
The to ASM package implements selection for the representation of the compiler. IR2ASM instruction selection for MIPS architecture CallerSavedRegisters
Selection for the MIPS Build an instruction selector for programs in intermediate representation that produces MIPS code. This essentially consists of defining rules ...
Instruction selection is the phase in compilation in which IntermediateRepresentation trees are mapped to sequences of target machine instructions. Algorithms MaximalMunch ...
IntermediateRepresentation is an abstract machine language that abstracts from the details of both source and target languages. The definition of the IntermediateRepresentation ...
The MIPS architecture is a family of RISC computer architectures designed by Transform.MipsTechnologies. The SpimSimulator can be used to simulate MIPS assembly language ...
MetaTiger is multi-staged Tiger developed by Robert Anisko (EPITA) MetaTiger has been presented at the fourth Stratego Users Day. Slides: ftp://ftp.stratego-language ...
Transform.AndrewAppel, Modern Compiler Implementation in {ML, Java, C}, Addison-Wesley Website
The diagram below depicts the data flow of the TigerOptimizer. It is an extract of the complete CompilerArchitecture. ...
Part of the ASM package of the TigerCompiler. PP-ASM.r INCLUDE{""} Main.EelcoVisser 15 Sep 2002 Main.EelcoVisser ...
A pretty-print table for the IntermediateRepresentation of the TigerCompiler (TigerTrans package). IR-pretty.pp INCLUDE{" ...
A pure functional version of the tiger language
Part of the ASM package of the TigerCompiler. RA.r This is the top module of the specification of the register allocator. Stratego is not currently the best language ...
Other courses based on the ModernCompilerImplementation books
Part of the ASM package of the TigerCompiler. runtime-debug.s This is an adaptation of the runtime system provided on the ModernCompilerImplementation site. INCLUDE ...
This page contains links to other courses on high-performance compilers or related topics. Main.EelcoVisser 14 Aug ...
spim is a simulator for MIPS AssemblyCode written by Transform.JamesLarus. There are two versions of the program. spim provides a commandline interface and xspim ...
A stack frame is an portion of the stack that contains all information pertaining to an invocation of a function, except those values of the currently active function ...
The static link of a function points to the frame of the statically enclosing function. Main.EelcoVisser 06 Dec 2001
Stratego Installations at The Stratego distribution is installed as part of the XT package in /projects/stratego/xt. To use the tools installed there add ...
To finish the HpcProject submit distributions of all CompilerPackages that you have changed to implement the TigerCompiler. Notes Use make dist to create a distribution ...
The TAS2IR component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package translates TigerAbstractSyntax trees to IntermediateRepresentation. TAS2IR.r The following module ...
TAS-Format checks TigerAbstractSyntax trees for well-formedness. It is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. The module below defines ...
TAS-Format is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. It checks typed TigerAbstractSyntax trees for well-formedness. The module ...
The signature of abstract syntax of Tiger is derived automatically from the definition of the TigerSyntax. The signature is part of the TigerFront package. Tiger INCLUDE ...
Hpc.TigerAbstractSyntaxFormat (Tiger-Abstract-Syntax-Format) is a format checker for Tiger abstract terms. It traverses a given term to see if it conforms to the desugared ...
TigerCanonicalize is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerOpt package that normalizes TigerAbstractSyntax trees such that expression do not contain side effects ...
The Tiger compiler compiles Tiger programs to MIPS assembly code, which can be simulated by the Simulator. The compiler is the main product of the Tiger in Stratego ...
Tiger-Desugar is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. The component desugars TigerAbstractSyntax trees by representing binary operators generacilly ...
TigerEnsugar is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. See TigerDesugar for a description. CompilerComponent
Tiger-Eval is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. It defines an interpreter for Tiger programs in TigerAbstractSyntax format. ...
The TigerFront package provides the front-end of the TigerCompiler consisting of the following components: TigerSyntax TigerAbstractSyntax TigerDesugar TigerEnsugar ...
Make rules for the components in the TigerFront package. make-rules.tiger-front INCLUDE{""} Main ...
Tiger is the example programming language used in Transform.AndrewAppel's textbook on Transform.ModernCompilerImplementationInML. Language features data types integers ...
The TigerOpt package provides the front-end of the TigerCompiler consisting of the following components: TigerOptimize TigerCanonicalize OptimizerArchitecture shows ...
TigerOptimize is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerOpt package. The component applies various Transform.ProgramOptimizations at the level of TigerAbstractSyntax ...
The Tools.PrettyPrintTable below defines rules for pretty-printing TigerAbstractSyntax trees to text. The tables are part of the TigerFront package. Tiger-pretty.pp ...
Tiger-Rename is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront package. It renames bound variables to a unique name such that no two variables declared in different ...
The syntax definition of Tiger in the syntax definition formalism Tools.SDF. The syntax definition is part of the TigerFront package. A parse table is generated from ...
The to IR package specifies the translation from TigerAbstractSyntax to IntermediateRepresentation. TigerVarEscapes: escaping variables analysis TAS2IR: translation ...
The TigerTrans package has been split up into three packages: containing the definition of IntermediateRepresentation and IRCanonicalize to IR translation from Tiger ...
Tiger-Typecheck checks TigerAbstractSyntax trees for well-typedness and annotates variables with their types. It is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerFront ...
Tiger-Types.r INCLUDE{""} Main.EelcoVisser 04 Dec 2001
TigerVarEscapes is a component of the TigerCompiler in the TigerTrans package. The component transforms programs in TigerAbstractSyntax format such that all variable ...
The TigerXML package provides an extension of the language with embedded XML syntax and a preprocessor, which translates Tiger programs with XML elements to plain ...
The TigerXmpl package provides a directory with example Tiger programs and a makefile for testing the various TigerCompiler components. The makefile imports make-rules ...
Make exercises 7.1 and 7.2 from ModernCompilerImplementation. In addition to translating the expressions to IntermediateRepresentation expressions also translate them ...
See TranslateExpressionsToIntermediateRepresentation
Implement translation of TigerAbstractSyntax expressions to IntermediateRepresentation code in module TAS2IR in the TigerTrans package. The TigerTrans package contains ...
The xmpl/ directory in the TigerXmpl package contains a number of example Tiger programs (partly copied from the Stratego.ModernCompilerImplementation site) and a ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "50" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "100" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "200" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "500" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
This glossary gives an overview of the most important pages in this web Web WebIndex contains the complete list of pages in this web. WebChanges shows which pages ...
Tiger in Stratego An Experiment in Compilation by Transformation Tiger in Stratego is a framework for implementing a compiler for the language in the program transformation ...
SEARCH{"\. " scope "topic" regex "on" nosearch "on" nosummary "on" format " $topic "}
Tiger in Stratego WebHome Compiler Architecture Packages Components Glossary Download
2002-09-15 New organization of the TigerCompiler and specification of many components using concrete Tiger syntax, which makes specifications much more readable. ...
WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Tiger web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have ...
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Number of topics: 119