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Results from Stratego web
Rob B. Vermaas. xDoc. An extensible documentation generator. MSc Thesis INF/SCR-03-41. Center for Software Technology, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences ...
The style guide for writing Javadoc comments is a useful starting point for a style guide for writing xDoc comments for Stratego. this guide should be rewritten to ...
XT is a collection of tools for building complete transformation systems. See the Tools web
Main.MerijnDeJonge, Main.EelcoVisser and Main.JoostVisser. XT: a bundle of program transformation tools. In Tools.MarkVanDenBrand and Transform.DidierPerigot, editors ...
XTC Tool Composition XTC implements the XT component model and provides support for creating compositions of XT components. The xtc tool is used to register components ...
TOC Introduction XWeb is a generic template-based transformation demonstration service; it's implemented as a CGI application. The current version contains a demo ...
With the Stratego-xml syntax defintion you can use the ConcreteSyntax of XML syntax in the Stratego. The stratego-net samples package contains some examples of the ...
XT Applet is a small package configured with automake that you can use to get started with writing Stratego/XT applications. The src/ subdirectory contains a sample ...
Some ideas for making advanced Stratego features more accessible to new users. Goals Easy to define a syntax for language X and implement a source-to-? or source-to ...

Number of topics: 9