tfof-deforest is a small demo package around a case study into transformation of functional programs, more specifically: on eliminating intermediate trees by deforestation ...
Template-based code generation is an idiom for program transformation in which the structure of the target code drives the generation process. Jonne van Wijngaarden ...
Introduction Stratego uses terms to represent the abstract syntax of programs or documents. A term consists of a constructor and a list of argument terms. Sometimes ...
Starting with StrategoRelease093, strategy operators can be passed terms in addition to strategies. Currently, a strategy definition is of the form f(s1, ..., sn) ...
TermProject patterns simplify projection of sub-terms. A strategy application inside a match pattern selects the corresponding sub-term and applies s to it. For example ...
TermWrap patterns simplify wrapping some complex constructor pattern around a term. For instance, split(f,g) can now be written as !(,) and this generalizes to arbitrary ...
Dryad is a natural female tree spirit, associated with trees. Also, it is a collection of tools for developing transformation systems for Java source and bytecode ...
The Dryad Compiler is an open compiler for the Java platform, based on The Dryad. TOC Overview of Features The Dryad Compiler is a compiler for a language formed by ...
Utrecht University, Friday May 3, 2002 Stratego is a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The language is being used ...
On May 3, 2002 the ThirdStrategoUsersDay was held at Utrecht University. During the day seven presentations about features or applications of Stratego were given. ...
Released November 4th, 2005 RED warning: this release is still under construction!! ENDCOLOR Download Tiger Base VERSION requires Stratego/XT 0.16 and Stratego/XT ...
TOC Introduction TigerContract is an experimental package which implements a TigerCompiler with contract support. The main purpose is to understand what contracts ...
Things to do are now tracked in our issue tracking system: Issues in our issue tracking system Old to do items There are many ways in which to improve and extend the ...
by Main.EelcoDolstra and Transform.HedzerWestra This term paper written in July 2000 explains the use of Stratego in specifying an optimizer for the scripting language ...
A transformation rule is a description of a single transformation step. Examples of transformation rules are constant folding beta reduction in the lambda calculus ...
StrategoXT encourages a development model in which stand-alone components are developed for separate aspects of program transformation, instead of implementing integrated ...
An experimentation project for exploring extensibility of languages and their transformations. Sources Blog E.Visser. Transformations for Abstractions. SCAM 2005. ...
K. Olmos and E. Visser. Turning dynamic typing into static typing by program specialization. In D. Binkley and P. Tonella, editors, Third IEEE International Workshop ...
Documentation for version 0.4.x of Stratego (2000) not up to date with latest version. The StrategoTutorial HTML PostScript Explains how to get started using Stratego ...
Currently Stratego is very weakly typed. The reason for the weak type system is that it is not clear how to combine strong typing with generic traversals and transformations ...