Mac OS X / Intel The latest unstable releases of Stratego/XT 0.17 support Mac OS X on Intel machines. An experimental installer is available. See the announcement ...
INCLUDE{WebNotice} There are several mailing lists that you may subscribe to depending on the amount of information needed. All lists are subscriber post only, and ...
The match strategy ?t matches the term pattern t against the current subject term. If the match succeeds all variables in t are bound to the corresponding sub-terms ...
No WildCards should occur in Build's, or a wildcard could be interpreted as the identity strategy in a TermWrap interpretation. As patterns may only be used in matching ...
MetaBorg is a method for providing concrete syntax for domain abstractions to application programmers. The method consists of embedding domain-specific languages in ...
When using syntax for the language the input is parsed against the combined syntax of the object language (for example Tiger, Java, XML or Stratego) and the language ...
E. Visser. Meta-programming with concrete object syntax. In D. Batory, C. Consel, and W. Taha, editors, Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'02) ...
MetaStratego is a meta-programming framework for Stratego which is under development by Main.KarlTrygveKalleberg and Main.ValentinDavid. Contact these authors directly ...
In programming with concrete object syntax the transitions from the meta language to the object language and vice versa are marked by special constructors: transition ...
StrategoXT On Microsoft Windows StrategoXT requires Cygwin. In StrategoXT 0.9.4 all serious problems on Microsoft Windows/Cygwin are solved. Standard tarball distributions ...
In a module meta file you can define meta information for a Stratego module. The meta file must have the same name as the module, with the .meta extension and is in ...