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Results from Stratego web
StrategoXT packages are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License to: encourage the widest possible use of these packages guarantee the open evolution of ...
This page lists StrategoLanguage constructs and features that are desirable to have. Feel free to add ideas by adding an item with a descriptive name. RightToLeftTraversal ...
Language Independent Traversals for Program Transformation. EelcoVisser. Workshop on Transform.GenericProgramming (Transform.WGP'00), July 2000. Ponte de Lima, Portugal ...
STARTINCLUDE .newsitem h3 { font-size: 100 ; color: #333333; padding-bottom: 3px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #bb9; } .newsitem em { float: right; font-size: x-small ...
Good layout is important for the readability and hence maintainability of programs. This holds for any programming language. Stratego aims at not only providing a ...
Synonym for the DeterministicChoice operator CategoryGlossary StrategoGlossary
The documentation of Standard Library must be improved. You can help with this in two ways: If you have to you think longer than 10 seconds about what a strategy in ...
Below is a list of ideas for improvements and extensions of the standard library. Feel free to add items to the list or even to start new topics. NewName BreadthFirstTraversal ...
Local strategy definitions can be lifted to the top-level if they do not contain free variables. For example, foo(s) Bar(s, id) ; let f !"foobar" in foobar(f) end ...
In the ATerm representation lists are represented as terms of the form t1,...,tn . This is also the syntax for lists in Stratego; extended with the notation t1,.. ...
In ListMatching you can use list variables inside a match against a list pattern. List variables are variables followed by a . List variables represent list content ...
Lists are now (StrategoRelease07) considered as variadic constructors. The behaviour of the generic traversal operators is changed accordingly. For example, a, b, ...

Number of topics: 12