Searched: Joost *Visser[^A-Za-z]
Results from Stratego web
Transform.JoostVisser and I have looked at a breadth first for Tools.JJTraveler . The breadth first in the Stratego library is incorrect: It doesn't apply s to the ...
Ideas for improving the error reporting of the StrategoCompiler. Feel free to add more ideas. check import graph: operators used in a module should be visible through ...
First Stratego Users Day March 24, 2000 CWI, Amsterdam On Friday, March 24, 2000, Merijn de Jonge and Joost Visser of CWI, Amsterdam will host the first Stratego ...
The first Stratego Users Day was held on March 24, 2000 at CWI. The subject of the meeting was for StrategoUsers to share experiences with StrategoLanguage and get ...
Second Stratego Users Day February 8, 2001, Universiteit Utrecht Program 10:00 coffee 10:15 opening Session 1: Language Design (chair Main ...
Stratego SDF: Combining Generalized LR Parsing with Stratego by JoostVisser Description This talk was given on March 24, 2000 for the FirstStrategoUsersDay. Available ...
The first ideas for System S were developed at the Programming Research Group of the University of Amsterdam and at Transform.CWI. A prototype for the StrategoLanguage ...
Although the traversal strategy that is used can have great impact on the performance of Stratego programs, there is no mechanism (except for time measurements) to ...
Utrecht University, Friday May 3, 2002 Stratego is a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The language is being used ...
On May 3, 2002 the ThirdStrategoUsersDay was held at Utrecht University. During the day seven presentations about features or applications of Stratego were given. ...
Main.MerijnDeJonge, Main.EelcoVisser and Main.JoostVisser. XT: a bundle of program transformation tools. In Tools.MarkVanDenBrand and Transform.DidierPerigot, editors ...

Number of topics: 11