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Results from PEPM08 web

The following papers have been accepted for presentation at the workshop (in no particular order):

  • Jakob Puchinger and Peter Stuckey. Automating Branch-and-Bound for Dynamic Programs
  • Janis Voigtländer. The destroy/build-rule (A case for doing things right from the start)
  • Huiqing Li and Simon Thompson. Tool Support for Refactoring Functional Programs
  • Boris Feigin and Alan Mycroft. Jones Optimality and Hardware Virtualization / A Report on Work in Progress
  • Isabella Mastroeni and Damiano Zanardini. Data dependencies and program slicing: From syntax to abstract semantics
  • Stephen A. Edwards and Jia Zeng. Static Elaboration of Recursion for Concurrent Software
  • Nic Volanschi and Christian Rinderknecht. Unparsed Patterns: Easy User-Extensibility of Program Manipulation Tools
  • Ping Zhu and Siau-Cheng Khoo. Specialization for Applications Using Shared Libraries
  • Jurriaan Hage and Stefan Holdermans. Heap Recycling for Lazy Languages
  • Daniel Prusa and Jan Jancura. Generic Framework for Integration of Programming Languages into Net Beans IDE
  • Torben Mogensen. Semi-Inversion of Functional Parameters
  • Corneliu Popeea, Dana N. Xu and Wei Ngan Chin. A Practical Inference and Specializer for Array Bound Checks Elimination
  • Nik Sultana and Simon Thompson. Mechanical verification of refactorings
  • Ando Saabas and Tarmo Uustalu. Proof optimization for partial redundancy elimination
  • Pawel Pietrzak, Jesús Correas Fernández, German Puebla and Manuel Hermenegildo. A Practical Type Analysis for Verification of Modular Prolog Programs
  • Alessandro Warth, James Douglass and Todd Millstein. Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion
  • Yukiyoshi Kameyama, Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan. Closing the Stage: From staged code to typed closures
  • Jennifer Gillenwater, Gregory Malecha, Cherif Salama, Angela Yun Zhu, Walid Taha, Jim Grundy and John O'Leary. Synthesizable High Level Hardware Descriptions
  • Shin-Cheng Mu. Maximum Segment Sum is Back - Deriving Algorithms for Two Segment Problems with Bounded Lengths
  • Djoko Djoko Simplice, Rémi Douence and Pascal Fradet. Aspects Preserving Properties
PEPM 2008 is co-located with POPL 2008.
The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation, partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and manipulation of programs.

The 2008 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of semantics-based program manipulation and continue last year's successful effort to expand the scope of PEPM significantly beyond the traditionally covered areas of partial evaluation and specialization and include practical applications of program transformations such as refactoring tools, and practical implementation techniques such as rule-based transformation systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM covers manipulation and transformations of program and system representations such as structural and semantic models that occur in the context of model-driven development. In order to reach out to practitioners, a separate category of tool demonstration papers will be solicited.

Topics of interest for PEPM'08 include, but are not limited to:

  • Program and model manipulation techniques such as transformations driven by rules, patterns, or analyses, partial evaluation, specialization, program inversion, program composition, slicing, symbolic execution, refactoring, aspect weaving, decompilation, and obfuscation.

  • Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model manipulation such as abstract interpretation, static analysis, binding-time analysis, dynamic analysis, constraint solving, and type systems.

  • Analysis and transformation for programs/models with advanced features such as objects, generics, ownership types, aspects, reflection, XML type systems, component frameworks, and middleware.

  • Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including meta-programming, generative programming, staged computation, and model-driven program generation and transformation.

  • Application of the above techniques including experimental studies, engineering needed for scalability, and benchmarking. Examples of application domains include legacy program understanding and transformation, domain-specific language implementations, scientific computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed and web-based applications, resource-limited computation, and security.

We especially encourage papers that break new ground including descriptions of how program/model manipulation tools can be integrated into realistic software development processes, descriptions of robust tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, and new areas of application such as rapidly evolving systems, distributed and webbased programming including middleware manipulation, model-driven development, and on-the-fly program adaptation driven by run-time or statistical analysis.

The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation, partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and manipulation of programs.

The 2008 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of semantics-based program manipulation and continue last year's successful effort to expand the scope of PEPM significantly beyond the traditionally covered areas of partial evaluation and specialization and include practical applications of program transformations such as refactoring tools, and practical implementation techniques such as rule-based transformation systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM covers manipulation and transformations of program and system representations such as structural and semantic models that occur in the context of model-driven development. In order to reach out to practitioners, a separate category of tool demonstration papers will be solicited.

Topics of interest for PEPM'08 include, but are not limited to:

  • Program and model manipulation techniques such as transformations driven by rules, patterns, or analyses, partial evaluation, specialization, program inversion, program composition, slicing, symbolic execution, refactoring, aspect weaving, decompilation, and obfuscation.

  • Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model manipulation such as abstract interpretation, static analysis, binding-time analysis, dynamic analysis, constraint solving, and type systems.

  • Analysis and transformation for programs/models with advanced features such as objects, generics, ownership types, aspects, reflection, XML type systems, component frameworks, and middleware.

  • Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including meta-programming, generative programming, staged computation, and model-driven program generation and transformation.

  • Application of the above techniques including experimental studies, engineering needed for scalability, and benchmarking. Examples of application domains include legacy program understanding and transformation, domain-specific language implementations, scientific computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed and web-based applications, resource-limited computation, and security.

We especially encourage papers that break new ground including descriptions of how program/model manipulation tools can be integrated into realistic software development processes, descriptions of robust tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, and new areas of application such as rapidly evolving systems, distributed and webbased programming including middleware manipulation, model-driven development, and on-the-fly program adaptation driven by run-time or statistical analysis.

Submission Categories and Guidelines

Regular research papers must not exceed 10 pages in ACM Proceedings style. Tool demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages in ACM Proceedings style, and authors will be expected to present a live demonstration of the described tool at the workshop (tool papers should include an additional appendix of up to 6 additional pages giving the outline, screenshots, examples, etc. to indicate the content of the proposed live demo at the workshop). Authors are strongly encouraged to consult the advice for authoring research papers and tool papers before submitting. Papers should be submitted electronically via the workshop web site. The workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library and selected papers will be invited for a journal special issue dedicated to PEPM'08.

Important Dates

  • Workshop: Mon-Tue, January 7-8, 2008

Program Committee

Program Chairs

Program Committee Members

                            Call For Papers 

                     ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Workshop on 

                             Nice, France
                          January 7-8, 2008 
                     (Co-located with POPL 2008)


The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers
and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation,
partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on
techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and
manipulation of programs.

The 2008 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of
semantics-based program manipulation and continue last year's
successful effort to expand the scope of PEPM significantly beyond the
traditionally covered areas of partial evaluation and specialization
and include practical applications of program transformations such as
refactoring tools, and practical implementation techniques such as
rule-based transformation systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM
covers manipulation and transformations of program and system
representations such as structural and semantic models that occur in
the context of model-driven development. In order to reach out to
practitioners, a separate category of tool demonstration papers will
be solicited.


Topics of interest for PEPM'08 include, but are not limited to:

 + Program and model manipulation techniques such as transformations
   driven by rules, patterns, or analyses, partial evaluation,
   specialization, program inversion, program composition, slicing, 
   symbolic execution, refactoring, aspect weaving, decompilation, 
   and obfuscation. 

 + Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model
   manipulation such as abstract interpretation, static analysis,
   binding-time analysis, dynamic analysis, constraint solving, and
   type systems.

 + Analysis and transformation for programs/models with advanced
   features such as objects, generics, ownership types, aspects,
   reflection, XML type systems, component frameworks, and middleware.

 + Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including
   meta-programming, generative programming, staged computation, and
   model-driven program generation and transformation.

 + Application of the above techniques including experimental studies,
   engineering needed for scalability, and benchmarking. Examples of
   application domains include legacy program understanding and
   transformation, domain-specific language implementations,
   scientific computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure
   needed for distributed and web-based applications, resource-limited
   computation, and security.

We especially encourage papers that break new ground including
descriptions of how program/model manipulation tools can be integrated
into realistic software development processes, descriptions of robust
tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, and new
areas of application such as rapidly evolving systems, distributed and
webbased programming including middleware manipulation, model-driven
development, and on-the-fly program adaptation driven by run-time or
statistical analysis.


Submission Categories and Guidelines

Regular research papers must not exceed 10 pages in ACM Proceedings
style. Tool demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages in ACM
Proceedings style, and authors will be expected to present a live
demonstration of the described tool at the workshop. Suggested topics,
evaluation criteria, and writing guidelines for both research tool
demonstration papers will be made available on the PEPM'08 web
site. Papers should be submitted electronically via the workshop web
site. The workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital
Library and selected papers will be invited for a journal special
issue dedicated to PEPM'08.


Important Dates 

 + to be announced
 + Abstracts due:  
 + Submission:    
 + Notification:   
 + Camera-ready:   
 + Workshop:      January 7-8, 2008 


Program Chairs

    * Robert Glück (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    * Oege de Moor (Oxford University, UK)

Program Committee Members

    * to be announced

A flyer to distribute at other events.

ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Workshop on
Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM '08)

ACM logo ACM logo Mon-Tue, January 7-8, 2008
San Francisco, USA
co-located with POPL'08

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

General Chair

Program Chairs

Program Committee Members

Steering Committee


10 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style (sigplanconf.cls) reporting research results and/or experience related to the topics above (PC co-chairs can advise on appropriateness). We particularly encourage original high-quality reports on applying GPCE technologies to real-world problems, relating ideas and concepts from several topics, or bridging the gap between theory and practice.

  • Workshop: Mon-Tue, January 7-8, 2008
  • Ras Bodik (University of California, Berkeley). Program Synthesis by Sketching.
  • Monica Lam (Stanford University): Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Securing Web Applications.
Subscribe at

The mailing list is moderated and used to announce events of interest to the PEPM community.



PEPM 2009 will be co-located with POPL 2009 in Savannah, GA, USA


PEPM program.


Registration is open.


20 submissions accepted.


74 submissions (papers+tools). Largest number since PEPM 1991.


PEPM 2008 will be co-located with POPL 2008 in San Francisco, USA.

The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation, partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and manipulation of programs.

The 2008 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of semantics-based program manipulation and continue last year's successful effort to expand the scope of PEPM significantly beyond the traditionally covered areas of partial evaluation and specialization and include practical applications of program transformations such as refactoring tools, and practical implementation techniques such as rule-based transformation systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM covers manipulation and transformations of program and system representations such as structural and semantic models that occur in the context of model-driven development. In order to reach out to practitioners, a separate category of tool demonstration papers will be solicited.

Topics of interest for PEPM'08 include, but are not limited to:

  • Program and model manipulation techniques such as transformations driven by rules, patterns, or analyses, partial evaluation, specialization, program inversion, program composition, slicing, symbolic execution, refactoring, aspect weaving, decompilation, and obfuscation.

  • Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model manipulation such as abstract interpretation, static analysis, binding-time analysis, dynamic analysis, constraint solving, and type systems.

  • Analysis and transformation for programs/models with advanced features such as objects, generics, ownership types, aspects, reflection, XML type systems, component frameworks, and middleware.

  • Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including meta-programming, generative programming, staged computation, and model-driven program generation and transformation.

  • Application of the above techniques including experimental studies, engineering needed for scalability, and benchmarking. Examples of application domains include legacy program understanding and transformation, domain-specific language implementations, scientific computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed and web-based applications, resource-limited computation, and security.

We especially encourage papers that break new ground including descriptions of how program/model manipulation tools can be integrated into realistic software development processes, descriptions of robust tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, and new areas of application such as rapidly evolving systems, distributed and webbased programming including middleware manipulation, model-driven development, and on-the-fly program adaptation driven by run-time or statistical analysis.

The workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library and selected papers will be invited for a journal special issue dedicated to PEPM'08. Follow these links for complete Call for Papers and Important Dates.


PEPM 2009 will be co-located with POPL 2009 in Savannah, GA, USA


PEPM program.


Registration is open.


20 submissions accepted.


74 submissions (papers+tools). Largest number since PEPM 1991.


PEPM 2008 will be co-located with POPL 2008 in San Francisco, USA.

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Statistics for TWiki.PEPM08 Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Aug 2007 12282 74 10 2082 WebHome
833 ProgramCommittee
744 WebStatistics
741 CallForPapers
573 ImportantDates
513 PEPMPublicity
433 PaperSubmission
416 PEPMProgram
409 PreviousMeetings
383 ResearchPaperAdvice
341 ConferenceOrganization
 81 RobertGlueck
  3 OegeDeMoor
May 2006 2620 80 0 427 WebHome
138 ProgramCommittee
138 CallForPapers
103 PreviousMeetings
103 ImportantDates
 78 WorkshopVenue
 77 ResearchPaperAdvice
 74 WebChanges
 72 WebLeftBar
 69 WebNotify
 69 AffiliatedMeetings
 80 EelcoVisser
Apr 2006 15023 8 0 3330 WebHome
1250 CallForPapers
781 WebStatistics
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504 ConferenceOrganization
486 CallForTutorials?
468 CallForDemonstrations?
443 CallForWorkshops?
414 WebNews
397 ElectronicSubmission
393 WebChanges
  8 ToddVeldhuizen
Oct 2006 3880 8 0 1065 WebHome
262 ImportantDates
252 CallForPapers
201 PaperSubmission
162 ProgramCommittee
134 ResearchPaperAdvice
121 WebStatistics
111 PEPMPublicity
101 PreviousMeetings
 91 ToolPaperAdvice
 91 AffiliatedMeetings
  8 EelcoVisser
Feb 2005 2975 7 0 1164 WebHome
364 CallForPapers
140 ImportantDates
137 ConferenceOrganization
 95 CallForWorkshops?
 84 CallForDemonstrations?
 72 CallForTutorials?
 50 PEPMNews
 39 WebNews
 39 WebChanges
 38 WebNotify
  7 EugenioMoggi
Jan 2007 5169 7 0 1040 WebHome
612 WebStatistics
462 PEPMProgram
188 ProgramCommittee
148 WebNews
133 PEPMPublicity
123 AffiliatedMeetings
114 CallForPapers
113 AcceptedPapers
112 PaperSubmission
111 ResearchPaperAdvice
  7 EelcoVisser
May 2005 848 7 0 371 WebHome
 53 WebNews
 51 WebStatistics
 45 ConferenceHeader
 42 PEPMNews
 38 WebChanges
 33 WebIndex
 31 WebSearch
 26 WebPreferences
 24 WebNotify
 24 WebLeftBar
  7 EelcoVisser
Nov 2006 3436 5 0 782 WebHome
223 WebStatistics
154 ProgramCommittee
141 ImportantDates
136 ResearchPaperAdvice
125 CallForPapers
106 ToolPaperAdvice
 97 PEPMProgram
 88 AffiliatedMeetings
 88 InvitedTalks
 83 PEPMPublicity
  5 EelcoVisser
Sep 2006 2926 5 0 650 WebHome
176 CallForPapers
146 ImportantDates
136 WebStatistics
116 ProgramCommittee
 95 ResearchPaperAdvice
 82 PEPMPublicity
 76 InvitedTalks
 72 PaperSubmission
 69 PreviousMeetings
 67 ToolPaperAdvice
  5 EelcoVisser
Dec 2004 1546 68 0 707 WebHome
125 ImportantDates
 92 ConferenceOrganization
 67 ConferenceVenue?
 60 CallForWorkshops?
 37 WebIndex
 36 CallForTutorials?
 34 WebPreferences
 33 WebNews
 32 PEPMNews
 25 WebChanges
 43 EugenioMoggi
 13 JeffGray
 10 EelcoVisser
  2 MartinBravenboer
Dec 2005 5873 38 0 1603 WebHome
535 WebStatistics
292 WebNews
246 CallForPapers
230 WebLeftBar
204 WebPreferences
194 ImportantDates
179 ConferenceHeader
166 WebIndex
160 CallForTutorials?
156 PEPMNews
 37 EmirPasalic
  1 ChristaSchwanninger
Dec 2007 7197 33 0 1314 WebHome
573 PEPMProgram
329 WebStatistics
304 ProgramCommittee
267 WebNews
254 PEPMPublicity
233 AcceptedPapers
213 PaperSubmission
204 InvitedTalks
201 RegistrationAndAccomodation
195 PreviousMeetings
 32 RobertGlueck
  1 OegeDeMoor
Jun 2006 4150 29 2 827 WebHome
261 CallForPapers
233 ProgramCommittee
164 WebStatistics
159 ImportantDates
136 PreviousMeetings
125 ResearchPaperAdvice
119 PaperSubmission
116 WebChanges
114 PEPMPublicity
104 RegistrationAndAccomodation
 31 EelcoVisser
Oct 2005 3209 33 0 932 WebHome
175 WebNews
127 WebChanges
126 WebPreferences
118 PEPMNews
115 WebLeftBar
111 ImportantDates
110 WebNotify
105 WebStatistics
101 ConferenceHeader
 99 WebIndex
 31 ChristaSchwanninger
  2 EugenioMoggi
Sep 2007 7368 3 0 1582 WebHome
443 CallForPapers
404 ImportantDates
375 PaperSubmission
358 ProgramCommittee
332 WebStatistics
254 PEPMPublicity
236 PreviousMeetings
228 ResearchPaperAdvice
200 InvitedTalks
198 RegistrationAndAccomodation
  3 RobertGlueck
Mar 2005 4848 35 1 2091 WebHome
696 CallForPapers
202 ImportantDates
178 ElectronicSubmission
153 ConferenceOrganization
152 CallForDemonstrations?
132 CallForWorkshops?
131 GpceTutorialsAndWorkshops?
106 CallForTutorials?
 55 PEPMNews
 52 WebIndex
 29 EugenioMoggi
  5 RobertGlueck
  2 EelcoVisser
Oct 2004 400 30 0 206 WebHome
 50 ConferenceOrganization
 38 ImportantDates
 27 ConferenceVenue?
 17 ConferenceHeader
 14 WebIndex
 11 WebContents?
  5 PrintCall
  4 WebNews
  4 CallForPapers
  2 GpceTutorials?
 27 EugenioMoggi
  2 MoggiE
  1 RobertGlueck
Apr 2005 6648 36 0 2409 WebHome
975 CallForPapers
638 ElectronicSubmission
298 GpceTutorialsAndWorkshops?
242 ImportantDates
181 ConferenceOrganization
148 CallForDemonstrations?
130 CallForWorkshops?
110 YoungResearchers?
102 GraphModelTransformations?
 93 CallForTutorials?
 23 AndrewMalton
 10 EugenioMoggi
  2 RobertGlueck
  1 EelcoVisser
Oct 2007 8900 21 1 2412 WebHome
822 PaperSubmission
709 ImportantDates
565 CallForPapers
440 ProgramCommittee
369 ResearchPaperAdvice
232 ToolPaperAdvice
217 PEPMPublicity
197 InvitedTalks
196 WebNews
196 PreviousMeetings
 22 RobertGlueck
Aug 2005 1526 32 1 481 WebHome
147 WebStatistics
 94 ConferenceHeader
 86 WebIndex
 84 WebNews
 75 WebPreferences
 69 WebChanges
 59 PEPMNews
 51 WebNotify
 49 WebLeftBar
 43 WebSearch
 20 EelcoVisser
  7 MartinBravenboer
  5 StanJarzabek
  1 PradeepikaIrangani
Nov 2007 8164 17 0 1673 WebHome
430 WebStatistics
374 AcceptedPapers
344 ImportantDates
335 ProgramCommittee
300 WebNews
275 PEPMProgram
267 RegistrationAndAccomodation
266 PaperSubmission
255 InvitedTalks
247 PEPMPublicity
 17 RobertGlueck
Sep 2005 1290 18 2 361 WebHome
 73 WebNews
 55 WebIndex
 46 WebNotify
 46 WebChanges
 41 PEPMNews
 39 WebChanges500
 38 WebSearch
 38 CallForPapers
 37 WebPreferences
 36 WebChanges100
 17 EelcoVisser
  3 PradeepikaIrangani
Dec 2006 4452 17 0 1122 WebHome
398 PEPMProgram
164 ProgramCommittee
140 AcceptedPapers
134 RegistrationAndAccomodation
126 ResearchPaperAdvice
118 WebStatistics
115 ImportantDates
114 CallForPapers
101 WebNews
 98 ToolPaperAdvice
 17 EelcoVisser
Jul 2007 3115 144 0 405 WebHome
216 ProgramCommittee
159 PreviousMeetings
154 CallForPapers
150 WebStatistics
132 ImportantDates
117 PEPMNews
112 WebIndex
 99 PEPMPublicity
 96 ConferenceOrganization
 80 ResearchPaperAdvice
144 RobertGlueck
Jan 2005 2719 19 0 1375 WebHome
211 CallForPapers
169 ConferenceOrganization
135 ImportantDates
 98 CallForWorkshops?
 74 CallForTutorials?
 59 PEPMNews
 45 WebIndex
 42 WebChanges
 35 WebNews
 30 CallForDemonstrations?
 12 EugenioMoggi
  7 EelcoVisser
Jan 2006 6593 129 5 1553 WebHome
494 CallForPapers
422 WebStatistics
315 ImportantDates
240 WebNews
223 ConferenceOrganization
219 CallForTutorials?
197 WebPreferences
191 CallForWorkshops?
187 WebLeftBar
152 WebChanges
116 EmirPasalic
 17 ToddVeldhuizen
  1 ChristaSchwanninger
Nov 2004 836 18 0 407 WebHome
 77 ImportantDates
 66 ConferenceOrganization
 38 ConferenceVenue?
 31 PEPMNews
 28 CallForPapers
 25 WebNews
 20 ForOrganizers?
 19 WebIndex
  9 CallForWorkshops?
  8 ElectronicSubmission
 11 EelcoVisser
  7 EugenioMoggi
Mar 2006 10528 1 0 2345 WebHome
871 CallForPapers
667 WebStatistics
376 ImportantDates
343 CallForTutorials?
325 CallForWorkshops?
325 ConferenceOrganization
310 WebNews
263 CallForDemonstrations?
255 WebChanges
244 WebPreferences
  1 EelcoVisser
Feb 2008 2643 0 0 512 WebStatistics
302 WebHome
103 WebPreferences
102 WebNews
102 PEPMPublicity
102 PEPMProgram
 75 ProgramCommittee
 70 CallForPapers
 63 PaperSubmission
 63 ImportantDates
 63 PreviousMeetings
Jan 2008 9554 0 0 1433 WebHome
786 WebStatistics
660 PEPMProgram
433 ProgramCommittee
361 PEPMPublicity
291 WebNews
283 PreviousMeetings
283 RegistrationAndAccomodation
265 PaperSubmission
265 ImportantDates
260 InvitedTalks
Jun 2007 5518 0 0 673 WebHome
316 WebStatistics
235 PEPMProgram
172 PreviousMeetings
154 WebNews
153 WorkshopVenue
146 ProgramCommittee
142 PaperSubmission
134 PEPMPublicity
131 AffiliatedMeetings
130 AcceptedPapers
May 2007 4489 0 0 530 WebHome
524 WebStatistics
202 PEPMProgram
126 PEPMPublicity
116 WebNews
115 PreviousMeetings
113 ProgramCommittee
110 PaperSubmission
107 RegistrationAndAccomodation
 98 AffiliatedMeetings
 98 WorkshopVenue
Apr 2007 4460 0 0 606 WebHome
358 WebStatistics
172 PEPMProgram
135 ProgramCommittee
121 WebNews
121 PEPMPublicity
121 ToolPaperAdvice
119 PreviousMeetings
115 CallForPapers
109 PaperSubmission
105 WebChanges
Mar 2007 4825 0 0 593 WebHome
454 WebStatistics
202 PEPMProgram
152 ProgramCommittee
128 WebNews
118 PublicityList06
116 PaperSubmission
110 AffiliatedMeetings
109 ResearchPaperAdvice
108 WebChanges
103 PreviousMeetings
Feb 2007 4464 0 0 661 WebHome
344 WebStatistics
261 PEPMProgram
158 WebNews
158 ProgramCommittee
128 PaperSubmission
123 AffiliatedMeetings
119 ResearchPaperAdvice
118 CallForPapers
116 PEPMPublicity
108 ToolPaperAdvice
Aug 2006 4938 0 0 786 WebHome
268 CallForPapers
213 WebStatistics
195 ProgramCommittee
176 PaperSubmission
171 WebChanges
155 ImportantDates
151 PEPMPublicity
148 PreviousMeetings
131 WebNotify
124 PEPMProgram
Jul 2006 7014 0 0 868 WebHome
350 ProgramCommittee
337 WebStatistics
334 CallForPapers
235 PaperSubmission
213 PreviousMeetings
206 PEPMPublicity
194 ImportantDates
189 WebChanges
180 WebNotify
175 RegistrationAndAccomodation
Feb 2006 6534 0 0 1541 WebHome
550 CallForPapers
397 WebStatistics
258 ImportantDates
235 CallForTutorials?
226 ConferenceOrganization
215 CallForDemonstrations?
212 CallForWorkshops?
200 WebNews
139 WebLeftBar
129 WebPreferences
Nov 2005 3943 0 0 868 WebStatistics
849 WebHome
147 WebLeftBar
144 WebNews
127 ImportantDates
126 WebPreferences
116 WebChanges
114 CallForPapers
109 ConferenceOrganization
105 WebNotify
 92 PEPMNews
Jul 2005 1191 0 0 389 WebHome
102 WebNews
 74 WebIndex
 73 WebChanges
 68 WebStatistics
 67 PEPMNews
 57 ConferenceHeader
 52 WebSearch
 50 WebNotify
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The workshop will be held in the Stanford Court Hotel in San Francisco, USA.

Number of topics: 47