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Results from BX12 web

The following contributions were selected (out of 15 submissions) for presentation at the workshop:

  • Anthony Anjorin, Gergely Varro and Andy Schürr. Complex Attribute Manipulation in TGGs with Constraint-Based Programming Techniques.

    Abstract: Model transformation plays a central role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and providing bidirectional transformation languages is a current challenge with important applications. Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) are a formally founded, bidirectional model transformation language shown by numerous case studies to be quite promising and successful. Although TGGs provide adequate support for structural aspects via object patterns in production rules, support for handling complex relationships between different attributes is still missing in current implementations. For certain applications, such as bidirectional model-to-text transformations, being able to manipulate attributes via string manipulation or arithmetic operations in TGG production rules is vital. Our contribution in this paper is a novel TGG extension that provides a means for complex attribute manipulation in TGG production rules. Our extension is compatible with the existing TGG formalization, and retains the "single specification" philosophy of TGGs.

  • Jeremy Gibbons and Michael Johnson. Relating Algebraic and Coalgebraic Descriptions of Lenses.

    Abstract: Lenses are a heavily studied form of bidirectional transformation, with diverse applications including database view updating, software development and memory management. Previous work has explored lenses category-theoretically, and established that lenses are isomorphic to algebras for a particular monad on a slice category. It has recently been shown that lenses are the coalgebras for the comonad generated by cartesian closure. We present an equational proof of the coalgebra correspondence, note that the algebra correspondence extends to arbitrary categories with products and that the coalgebra correspondence extends to arbitrary cartesian closed categories, and show that both correspondences extend to isomorphisms of categories. The resulting isomorphism between a category of algebras and a category of coalgebras is unexpected, and we analyze it, isolating its underlying generality, and also the particularity that restricts its applicability.

  • Hugo Pacheco, Alcino Cunha and Zhenjiang Hu. Delta Lenses over Inductive Types.

    Abstract: Existing bidirectional languages are either state-based or operation-based, depending on wether they represent updates as mere states or as sequences of edit operations. In-between both worlds are delta-based frameworks, where updates are represented using alignment relationships between states. In this paper, we formalize delta lenses over inductive types using dependent type theory and develop a point-free delta lens language with an explicit separation of shape and data. In contrast with the already known issue of data alignment, we identify the new problem of shape alignment and solve it by lifting standard recursion patterns such as folds and unfolds to delta lenses that use alignment to infer meaningful shape updates.

  • Vadim Zaytsev. Language Evolution, Metasyntactically.

    Abstract: We use a formal specification for syntactic notations in order to simulate a scenario of notational evolution: a special language evolution case when the language itself is preserved, but the notation which is used to write down its grammar in the documentation, changes, and those changes need to be propagated to coupled grammar refactorings, grammarbase mutations and other connected artefacts. Both the megamodel and the prototypical implementation of this scenario are explained. They employ bidirectional grammar transformation for the purposes of adaptation and convergence, transformable notation specifications and coupled unidirectional grammar mutations.

  • Michael Johnson and Robert Rosebrugh. Lens put-put laws:  Monotonic and mixed.

    Abstract: Since the introduction of very well behaved lenses, several authors have argued, for good reasons, that in many applications the put-put law is too strong. On the other hand, the present authors have shown that such lenses, including the put-put law, are algebras for a certain monad, and that this viewpoint admits fruitful generalisations of the lens concept to a variety of base categories. In the algebra approach to lenses, the put-put law corresponds to the associativity axiom, and so is fundamentally important. Thus we have a dilemma. The put-put law seems inappropriate for a variety of applications, but is fundamental to the mathematical development that can support a range of applications. In this paper we resolve this dilemma. The put-put law as normally stated is indeed too strong when the category of models is non-trivial (not just a set of models). We describe monotonic put-put laws -- those in which successive puts are, loosely speaking, both along deletes, or both along inserts, and note that such laws do not suffer the criticisms of the classical put-put law and incidentally provide a counterexample to the mistaken belief that the presence of put-put laws implies constant complement updating. Of course, of much greater interest than monotonic put-put laws are mixed put-put laws that treat together both inserts and deletes. The main contribution of this paper is the development and analysis of a new mixed put-put law which is very general, is indeed weaker than classical put-put, does not seem to be subject to the criticisms of the classical put-put law, and is sufficient to support the monad based mathematical treatment of generalised lenses.

  • Leen Lambers, Stephan Hildebrandt, Holger Giese and Fernando Orejas. Attribute Handling for Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Triple Graph Grammar Case.

    Abstract: When describing bidirectional model transformations in a declarative (relational) way, the relation between structures in source and target models is specified. But not only structural correspondences between source and target models need to be described. Another important aspect is the specification of the relation between attribute values of elements in source and target models. However, existing approaches either do not allow such a relational kind of specification for attributes or allow it only in a restricted way. We consider the challenge of bridging the gap between a flexible declarative attribute specification and its operationalization for the triple graph grammar (TGG) specification technique as an important representative for describing bidirectional model transformations in a relational way. First, we present a formal way to specify attributes in TGG rules in a purely declarative (relational) way. Then, we give an overview of characteristic barriers that bidirectional model transformation tool developers are confronted with when operationalizing relational attribute constraints for different TGG application scenarios. Moreover, we present pragmatic solutions to overcome the operationalization barriers for different TGG application scenarios in our own TGG implementation.

  • Erwann Wernli. Bidirectional transformations meets dynamic updates: promise & perils.

    Abstract: Dynamic updates that transform objects in an unidirectional manner face timing issues that might lead to run-time type errors. A way to avoid such run-time type errors is to keep both versions of objects and synchronize them with bidirectional transformations. Keeping objects synchronized this way raises some challenges in term of performance, thread safety, and practicality. We present implementation strategies and explore the solution space of such an approach. We put theoretical issues into perspective by considering results of existing empirical research in the field, and investigate the use of a simple bidirectional language to express object transformations. We conclude that this scheme can be made practical, and we sketch future research directions to reach this goal.

  • Perdita Stevens. Observations relating to the equivalences induced on model sets by bidirectional transformations.

    Abstract: A bidirectional transformation on a pair of sets of models induces two principal equivalence relations on each set of models. Since a model can be uniquely identified by specifying its equivalence class in each of these relations, they function as a coordinate system for the model sets, with respect to the transformation. We give a collection of results relating to this observation and explore the consequences for the study of the transformation.

Bidirectional transformations (bx) are a mechanism for maintaining the consistency of at least two related sources of information. Such sources can be databases, software models, documents, graphs, and trees. BX are an emerging topic in a wide range of research areas with prominent presence at top conferences in different fields. The workshop BX'12 now establishes a dedicated venue for bx in all relevant areas. The methodologies used for bx range from classical program transformation to graph transformation techniques, from ad-hoc techniques for data synchronization to the development of domain-specific languages and their integration. We also solicit papers on model/metamodel co-evolution, which is a different yet closely related subject.

Aims and Topics

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers, established and new, interested in bidirectional transformations from different perspectives, such as: language-based approaches, software/model transformations, and data/schema co-evolution.

Topics of interest for BX'12 include, but are not limited to:

  • (coupled) software/model transformations
  • software-model synchronization
  • data-schema co-evolution and data synchronization
  • consistency analysis
  • language-based approaches
  • analysis/classification of requirements for bx technologies
  • case studies and tool support
  • comparison of bx technologies
  • efficiency of algorithms and benchmarks

Regular submissions (11-15 pages) can be:

  • research papers providing new concepts and results
  • position papers and research perspectives
  • papers that apply bx in new domains
  • papers closing gaps between formal concepts and application scenarios

We also welcome submissions of short papers as well as abstracts for lightning talks.


Accepted regular papers will appear as a volume of EC-EASST. A preliminary version of the proceedings, including the short papers and lightning talk abstracts as well, will be available at the workshop.

Authors of short papers may be invited to extend their contribution to a full paper for inclusion in the formal proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are expected in the following categories:

  • regular papers (11 to 15 pages)
  • short papers (up to 8 pages)
  • lightning talks (extended abstracts)

Submissions can use LNCS or EC-EASST style, but accepted papers will have to be (re-)formatted for EC-EASST style before the camera-ready deadline.

Regarding the EC-EASST style, note that the cover page automatically produced does not count towards the page limits.

Submission will be electronically at

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: Mon, December 19, 2011 (23:59 Samoa Time [UTC-11])
  • Paper submission: Wed, December 21, 2011 (23:59 Samoa Time [UTC-11])
  • Author notification: Tue, January 24, 2012
  • Camera-ready deadline: Sun, February 5, 2012 (23:59 UTC-11, see

  • Workshop: Sun, March 25, 2012

Invited Speakers

We are proud to feature the following two invited talks:

  • Juan de Lara (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain): Bidirectional Transformations with Graphical Constraints. (joint talk with GT-VMT 2012)

    Abstract: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software engineering paradigm that attacks the accidental complexity in the development process by increasing the abstraction level at which engineers work. In this way, models (in contrast to programs) are the core assets, and model transformations become first-class citizens. Still, most current transformation languages are directed to the implementation of model transformations, and little effort is currently devoted to support other phases of the transformation development, like requirements specification or testing.
    In this talk, I will first present a formal language (called PAMOMO) for the specification of model transformations in a declarative, graphical, bidirectional way. The approach is based on patterns or constraints describing the allowed and forbidden relations between two models. Such specification can be compiled into operational mechanisms, based on Graph Transformation, to perform forward and backward transformations. The language has a general semantics, which makes it applicable to several scenarios and activities relevant for MDE, which will be explored in the second part of the talk.
    First, PAMOMO can be used as a general framework supporting inter-modelling, which is the activity of building models that describe how other models should be related. This includes many common activities in MDE, like the specification of model-to-model transformations seen before, but also the definition of model matching and model traceability constraints, the development of inter-model consistency maintainers and exogenous model management operators. Second, PAMOMO can be used as a language for specifying transformation contracts, enabling the verification of transformations implemented with any transformation language. The verification can be performed by compiling the contracts either into OCL expressions, which can then be used as partial oracle functions, or into QVT Relations check-only transformations to detect disconformities of transformation results with respect to the contracts. Finally, the general bi-directional semantics of PAMOMO can be used as a basis to describe other languages, like QVT Relations.

  • Jean-Luc Hainaut (University of Namur, Belgium): Bidirectional Transformations in Database Engineering.

    Abstract: Most processes in database engineering consist in transforming schemas according to definite requirements. Basically, a schema transformation is a rewriting rule that allows schema constructs to be replaced by other constructs that are expected to better meet these requirements. Schema normalization, logical design, schema integration, view derivation, proving schema equivalence, data conversion, database reverse engineering, database evolution, schema optimization, ETL, wrapper generation are some popular database related processes that can be modelled as schema transformations.
    In most cases, schemas have instances, so that parallel data transformation rules are associated with schema transformations in order to adapt the contents of the source database to the new target schema. A transformation is qualified semantics-preserving, or bidirectional, if there exists an inverse transformation through which the source database (schema and instances) can be recovered from the target database. This class of transformations are important in that they guarantee the preservation of information capacity of the source database through an arbitrary chain of transformations. For instance, describing the database design process as a bidirectional transformation ensures that all the user requirements expressed by the conceptual schema have been translated into the physical database. Conversely, modeling database reverse engineering as a chain of (mostly) bidirectional transformations helps in recovering the hidden intended semantics of a physical database.
    In this talk, we briefly recall the principles of database engineering as a specific domain of complex software systems engineering. We then describe basic and practical aspects of database transformation techniques including their properties of semantics preservation. Major database engineering activities are redefined in terms of transformation techniques, and the impact on CASE technology is discussed and illustrated.

Program Committee

Program Chairs

Program Committee Members

                            Call For Papers 

                     ACM SIGPLAN 2010 Workshop on 

                             Madrid, Spain
                          January, 2010 
                     (Co-located with POPL 2010)


The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers
and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation,
partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on
techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and
manipulation of programs.

The 2010 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of
semantics-based program manipulation and continue previous years'
successful effort to expand the scope of PEPM significantly beyond the
traditionally covered areas of partial evaluation and specialization
and include practical applications of program transformations such as
refactoring tools, and practical implementation techniques such as
rule-based transformation systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM
covers manipulation and transformations of program and system
representations such as structural and semantic models that occur in
the context of model-driven development. In order to reach out to
practitioners, a separate category of tool demonstration papers will
be solicited.


Topics of interest for PEPM'10 include, but are not limited to:

 + Program and model manipulation techniques such as transformations
   driven by rules, patterns, or analyses, partial evaluation,
   specialization, program inversion, program composition, slicing, 
   symbolic execution, refactoring, aspect weaving, decompilation, 
   and obfuscation. 

 + Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model
   manipulation such as abstract interpretation, static analysis,
   binding-time analysis, dynamic analysis, constraint solving, and
   type systems.

 + Analysis and transformation for programs/models with advanced
   features such as objects, generics, ownership types, aspects,
   reflection, XML type systems, component frameworks, and middleware.

 + Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including
   meta-programming, generative programming, staged computation, and
   model-driven program generation and transformation.

 + Application of the above techniques including experimental studies,
   engineering needed for scalability, and benchmarking. Examples of
   application domains include legacy program understanding and
   transformation, domain-specific language implementations,
   scientific computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure
   needed for distributed and web-based applications, resource-limited
   computation, and security.

We especially encourage papers that break new ground including
descriptions of how program/model manipulation tools can be integrated
into realistic software development processes, descriptions of robust
tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, and new
areas of application such as rapidly evolving systems, distributed and
webbased programming including middleware manipulation, model-driven
development, and on-the-fly program adaptation driven by run-time or
statistical analysis.


Submission Categories and Guidelines

Regular research papers must not exceed 10 pages in ACM Proceedings
style. Tool demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages in ACM
Proceedings style, and authors will be expected to present a live
demonstration of the described tool at the workshop. Suggested topics,
evaluation criteria, and writing guidelines for both research tool
demonstration papers will be made available on the PEPM'10 web
site. Papers should be submitted electronically via the workshop web
site. The workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital
Library and selected papers may be invited for a journal special
issue dedicated to PEPM'10.


Important Dates 

 + to be announced
 + Abstracts due:  
 + Submission:    
 + Notification:   
 + Camera-ready:   
 + Workshop:      January, 2010 


Program Chairs

    * John Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
    * Janis Voigtlaender (Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany)

Program Committee Members

    * to be announced

PEPM 2010 is co-located with POPL 2010.
A flyer to distribute at other events.

First International Workshop on
Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2012)

Sun, March 25, 2012
Tallinn, Estonia
co-located with ETAPS 2012

BX logo @   ETAPS logo

. Pre-submission of abstracts will no longer be required. -->


10 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style (sigplanconf.cls) reporting research results and/or experience related to the topics above (PC co-chairs can advise on appropriateness). We particularly encourage original high-quality reports on applying GPCE technologies to real-world problems, relating ideas and concepts from several topics, or bridging the gap between theory and practice.


Acceptance Rate


  • Abstract submission: Mon, December 19, 2011 (23:59 Samoa Time [UTC-11])
  • Paper submission: Wed, December 21, 2011 (23:59 Samoa Time [UTC-11])
  • Author notification: Tue, January 24, 2012
  • Camera-ready deadline: Sun, February 5, 2012 (23:59 UTC-11, see

  • Workshop: Sun, March 25, 2012
We are proud to feature the following two invited talks:

  • Juan de Lara (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain): Bidirectional Transformations with Graphical Constraints. (joint talk with GT-VMT 2012)

    Abstract: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software engineering paradigm that attacks the accidental complexity in the development process by increasing the abstraction level at which engineers work. In this way, models (in contrast to programs) are the core assets, and model transformations become first-class citizens. Still, most current transformation languages are directed to the implementation of model transformations, and little effort is currently devoted to support other phases of the transformation development, like requirements specification or testing.
    In this talk, I will first present a formal language (called PAMOMO) for the specification of model transformations in a declarative, graphical, bidirectional way. The approach is based on patterns or constraints describing the allowed and forbidden relations between two models. Such specification can be compiled into operational mechanisms, based on Graph Transformation, to perform forward and backward transformations. The language has a general semantics, which makes it applicable to several scenarios and activities relevant for MDE, which will be explored in the second part of the talk.
    First, PAMOMO can be used as a general framework supporting inter-modelling, which is the activity of building models that describe how other models should be related. This includes many common activities in MDE, like the specification of model-to-model transformations seen before, but also the definition of model matching and model traceability constraints, the development of inter-model consistency maintainers and exogenous model management operators. Second, PAMOMO can be used as a language for specifying transformation contracts, enabling the verification of transformations implemented with any transformation language. The verification can be performed by compiling the contracts either into OCL expressions, which can then be used as partial oracle functions, or into QVT Relations check-only transformations to detect disconformities of transformation results with respect to the contracts. Finally, the general bi-directional semantics of PAMOMO can be used as a basis to describe other languages, like QVT Relations.

  • Jean-Luc Hainaut (University of Namur, Belgium): Bidirectional Transformations in Database Engineering.

    Abstract: Most processes in database engineering consist in transforming schemas according to definite requirements. Basically, a schema transformation is a rewriting rule that allows schema constructs to be replaced by other constructs that are expected to better meet these requirements. Schema normalization, logical design, schema integration, view derivation, proving schema equivalence, data conversion, database reverse engineering, database evolution, schema optimization, ETL, wrapper generation are some popular database related processes that can be modelled as schema transformations.
    In most cases, schemas have instances, so that parallel data transformation rules are associated with schema transformations in order to adapt the contents of the source database to the new target schema. A transformation is qualified semantics-preserving, or bidirectional, if there exists an inverse transformation through which the source database (schema and instances) can be recovered from the target database. This class of transformations are important in that they guarantee the preservation of information capacity of the source database through an arbitrary chain of transformations. For instance, describing the database design process as a bidirectional transformation ensures that all the user requirements expressed by the conceptual schema have been translated into the physical database. Conversely, modeling database reverse engineering as a chain of (mostly) bidirectional transformations helps in recovering the hidden intended semantics of a physical database.
    In this talk, we briefly recall the principles of database engineering as a specific domain of complex software systems engineering. We then describe basic and practical aspects of database transformation techniques including their properties of semantics preservation. Major database engineering activities are redefined in terms of transformation techniques, and the impact on CASE technology is discussed and illustrated.
Subscribe at

The mailing list is moderated and used to announce events of interest to the PEPM community.

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: Mon, December 19, 2011 (23:59 Samoa Time [UTC-11])
  • Paper submission: Wed, December 21, 2011 (23:59 Samoa Time [UTC-11])
  • Author notification: Tue, January 24, 2012
  • Camera-ready deadline: Sun, February 5, 2012 (23:59 UTC-11, see

  • Workshop: Sun, March 25, 2012

details about the venue will follow later
Steering Committee 25 Jun 2012 - 11:08 Janis Voigtlaender
Program Committee 25 Jun 2012 - 10:58 Janis Voigtlaender
Call For Papers 25 Jun 2012 - 10:56 Janis Voigtlaender
Program 17 Apr 2012 - 10:39 Janis Voigtlaender
Accepted Papers 23 Mar 2012 - 13:18 Janis Voigtlaender
Invited Talks 10 Feb 2012 - 05:25 Janis Voigtlaender
Important Dates 02 Jan 2012 - 08:21 Frank Hermann
Adjacent Meetings 06 Dec 2011 - 20:59 Janis Voigtlaender
Submission Guidelines 06 Dec 2011 - 20:32 Frank Hermann
Web Home 29 Oct 2011 - 06:54 Janis Voigtlaender
Web Left Bar 29 Oct 2011 - 06:05 Janis Voigtlaender
Web News 11 Sep 2011 - 18:09 Janis Voigtlaender
Twitter Test 11 Sep 2011 - 17:28 Frank Hermann
Publication Venue 07 Sep 2011 - 19:51 Janis Voigtlaender
Aims And Topics 07 Sep 2011 - 19:17 Janis Voigtlaender
Web Preferences 19 Aug 2011 - 06:18 Janis Voigtlaender
Conference Header 27 Jul 2011 - 00:01 Janis Voigtlaender
Previous Meetings 25 Jul 2011 - 12:12 Janis Voigtlaender
Registration And Accomodation 24 Jul 2011 - 11:52 Janis Voigtlaender
Workshop Venue 24 Jul 2011 - 11:51 Janis Voigtlaender
Affiliated Meetings 29 Apr 2011 - 10:20 Janis Voigtlaender
Paper Submission 03 Apr 2011 - 18:29 Janis Voigtlaender
Historical Statistics 18 Mar 2010 - 23:47 Janis Voigtlaender
Web Statistics 07 Feb 2010 - 19:42 Janis Voigtlaender
Tentative Schedule 09 Dec 2009 - 08:55 Janis Voigtlaender
Special Feature 18 Nov 2009 - 17:21 Janis Voigtlaender
Preliminary Program 12 Nov 2009 - 17:18 Janis Voigtlaender
Tool Paper Advice 17 Jul 2009 - 07:39 Janis Voigtlaender
Research Paper Advice 16 Jul 2009 - 10:58 Janis Voigtlaender
Co-locatedMeetings 18 Jun 2009 - 12:28 Janis Voigtlaender
Conference Organization 28 May 2009 - 08:56 Janis Voigtlaender
PEPMProgram 28 May 2009 - 08:53 Janis Voigtlaender
Call For Papers Text 28 May 2009 - 07:24 Janis Voigtlaender
PEPMPublicity 07 Oct 2007 - 23:23 Robert Glueck
PEPMNews 27 Jul 2007 - 17:18 Robert Glueck
Web Notify 22 Jul 2007 - 23:56 Robert Glueck
Travel Info 22 Jul 2007 - 20:38 Robert Glueck
Electronic Submission 22 Jul 2007 - 20:17 Robert Glueck
Tutorial Guideline 22 Jul 2007 - 20:12 Robert Glueck
Publicity List 06 19 Jan 2006 - 21:58 Emir Pasalic
Tutorials And Workshops 19 Jan 2006 - 18:57 Todd Veldhuizen
Conference Flyer 14 Jan 2006 - 01:18 Emir Pasalic
Conference Program 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 Emir Pasalic
Venuehtml 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 Emir Pasalic
Conference Registration 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 Emir Pasalic
Submission Format 28 Oct 2005 - 10:04 Christa Schwanninger
Web Changes 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 Martin Bravenboer
Print Call 05 Jan 2004 - 23:38 Eelco Visser
Web Changes 500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 Eelco Visser
Web Changes 200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 Eelco Visser
Number of topics: 50
Topic Changed By
SteeringCommittee? 25 Jun 2012 - 11:08 JanisVoigtlaender
ProgramCommittee? 25 Jun 2012 - 10:58 JanisVoigtlaender
CallForPapers? 25 Jun 2012 - 10:56 JanisVoigtlaender
Program? 17 Apr 2012 - 10:39 JanisVoigtlaender
AcceptedPapers? 23 Mar 2012 - 13:18 JanisVoigtlaender
InvitedTalks? 10 Feb 2012 - 05:25 JanisVoigtlaender
ImportantDates? 02 Jan 2012 - 08:21 FrankHermann
AdjacentMeetings? 06 Dec 2011 - 20:59 JanisVoigtlaender
SubmissionGuidelines? 06 Dec 2011 - 20:32 FrankHermann
WebHome 29 Oct 2011 - 06:54 JanisVoigtlaender
WebLeftBar 29 Oct 2011 - 06:05 JanisVoigtlaender
WebNews 11 Sep 2011 - 18:09 JanisVoigtlaender
TwitterTest? 11 Sep 2011 - 17:28 FrankHermann
PublicationVenue? 07 Sep 2011 - 19:51 JanisVoigtlaender
AimsAndTopics? 07 Sep 2011 - 19:17 JanisVoigtlaender
WebPreferences 19 Aug 2011 - 06:18 JanisVoigtlaender
ConferenceHeader? 27 Jul 2011 - 00:01 JanisVoigtlaender
PreviousMeetings? 25 Jul 2011 - 12:12 JanisVoigtlaender
RegistrationAndAccomodation? 24 Jul 2011 - 11:52 JanisVoigtlaender
WorkshopVenue? 24 Jul 2011 - 11:51 JanisVoigtlaender
AffiliatedMeetings? 29 Apr 2011 - 10:20 JanisVoigtlaender
PaperSubmission? 03 Apr 2011 - 18:29 JanisVoigtlaender
HistoricalStatistics? 18 Mar 2010 - 23:47 JanisVoigtlaender
WebStatistics 07 Feb 2010 - 19:42 JanisVoigtlaender
TentativeSchedule? 09 Dec 2009 - 08:55 JanisVoigtlaender
SpecialFeature? 18 Nov 2009 - 17:21 JanisVoigtlaender
PreliminaryProgram? 12 Nov 2009 - 17:18 JanisVoigtlaender
ToolPaperAdvice? 17 Jul 2009 - 07:39 JanisVoigtlaender
ResearchPaperAdvice? 16 Jul 2009 - 10:58 JanisVoigtlaender
Co-locatedMeetings? 18 Jun 2009 - 12:28 JanisVoigtlaender
ConferenceOrganization? 28 May 2009 - 08:56 JanisVoigtlaender
PEPMProgram? 28 May 2009 - 08:53 JanisVoigtlaender
CallForPapersText? 28 May 2009 - 07:24 JanisVoigtlaender
PEPMPublicity? 07 Oct 2007 - 23:23 RobertGlueck
PEPMNews? 27 Jul 2007 - 17:18 RobertGlueck
WebNotify 22 Jul 2007 - 23:56 RobertGlueck
TravelInfo? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:38 RobertGlueck
ElectronicSubmission? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:17 RobertGlueck
TutorialGuideline? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:12 RobertGlueck
PublicityList06? 19 Jan 2006 - 21:58 EmirPasalic
TutorialsAndWorkshops? 19 Jan 2006 - 18:57 ToddVeldhuizen
ConferenceFlyer? 14 Jan 2006 - 01:18 EmirPasalic
ConferenceProgram? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
Venuehtml? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
ConferenceRegistration? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
SubmissionFormat? 28 Oct 2005 - 10:04 ChristaSchwanninger
WebChanges 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 MartinBravenboer
PrintCall? 05 Jan 2004 - 23:38 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny
Topic Changed By
SteeringCommittee? 25 Jun 2012 - 11:08 JanisVoigtlaender
ProgramCommittee? 25 Jun 2012 - 10:58 JanisVoigtlaender
CallForPapers? 25 Jun 2012 - 10:56 JanisVoigtlaender
Program? 17 Apr 2012 - 10:39 JanisVoigtlaender
AcceptedPapers? 23 Mar 2012 - 13:18 JanisVoigtlaender
InvitedTalks? 10 Feb 2012 - 05:25 JanisVoigtlaender
ImportantDates? 02 Jan 2012 - 08:21 FrankHermann
AdjacentMeetings? 06 Dec 2011 - 20:59 JanisVoigtlaender
SubmissionGuidelines? 06 Dec 2011 - 20:32 FrankHermann
WebHome 29 Oct 2011 - 06:54 JanisVoigtlaender
WebLeftBar 29 Oct 2011 - 06:05 JanisVoigtlaender
WebNews 11 Sep 2011 - 18:09 JanisVoigtlaender
TwitterTest? 11 Sep 2011 - 17:28 FrankHermann
PublicationVenue? 07 Sep 2011 - 19:51 JanisVoigtlaender
AimsAndTopics? 07 Sep 2011 - 19:17 JanisVoigtlaender
WebPreferences 19 Aug 2011 - 06:18 JanisVoigtlaender
ConferenceHeader? 27 Jul 2011 - 00:01 JanisVoigtlaender
PreviousMeetings? 25 Jul 2011 - 12:12 JanisVoigtlaender
RegistrationAndAccomodation? 24 Jul 2011 - 11:52 JanisVoigtlaender
WorkshopVenue? 24 Jul 2011 - 11:51 JanisVoigtlaender
AffiliatedMeetings? 29 Apr 2011 - 10:20 JanisVoigtlaender
PaperSubmission? 03 Apr 2011 - 18:29 JanisVoigtlaender
HistoricalStatistics? 18 Mar 2010 - 23:47 JanisVoigtlaender
WebStatistics 07 Feb 2010 - 19:42 JanisVoigtlaender
TentativeSchedule? 09 Dec 2009 - 08:55 JanisVoigtlaender
SpecialFeature? 18 Nov 2009 - 17:21 JanisVoigtlaender
PreliminaryProgram? 12 Nov 2009 - 17:18 JanisVoigtlaender
ToolPaperAdvice? 17 Jul 2009 - 07:39 JanisVoigtlaender
ResearchPaperAdvice? 16 Jul 2009 - 10:58 JanisVoigtlaender
Co-locatedMeetings? 18 Jun 2009 - 12:28 JanisVoigtlaender
ConferenceOrganization? 28 May 2009 - 08:56 JanisVoigtlaender
PEPMProgram? 28 May 2009 - 08:53 JanisVoigtlaender
CallForPapersText? 28 May 2009 - 07:24 JanisVoigtlaender
PEPMPublicity? 07 Oct 2007 - 23:23 RobertGlueck
PEPMNews? 27 Jul 2007 - 17:18 RobertGlueck
WebNotify 22 Jul 2007 - 23:56 RobertGlueck
TravelInfo? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:38 RobertGlueck
ElectronicSubmission? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:17 RobertGlueck
TutorialGuideline? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:12 RobertGlueck
PublicityList06? 19 Jan 2006 - 21:58 EmirPasalic
TutorialsAndWorkshops? 19 Jan 2006 - 18:57 ToddVeldhuizen
ConferenceFlyer? 14 Jan 2006 - 01:18 EmirPasalic
ConferenceProgram? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
Venuehtml? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
ConferenceRegistration? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
SubmissionFormat? 28 Oct 2005 - 10:04 ChristaSchwanninger
WebChanges 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 MartinBravenboer
PrintCall? 05 Jan 2004 - 23:38 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny
Topic Changed By
SteeringCommittee? 25 Jun 2012 - 11:08 JanisVoigtlaender
ProgramCommittee? 25 Jun 2012 - 10:58 JanisVoigtlaender
CallForPapers? 25 Jun 2012 - 10:56 JanisVoigtlaender
Program? 17 Apr 2012 - 10:39 JanisVoigtlaender
AcceptedPapers? 23 Mar 2012 - 13:18 JanisVoigtlaender
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PaperSubmission? 03 Apr 2011 - 18:29 JanisVoigtlaender
HistoricalStatistics? 18 Mar 2010 - 23:47 JanisVoigtlaender
WebStatistics 07 Feb 2010 - 19:42 JanisVoigtlaender
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SpecialFeature? 18 Nov 2009 - 17:21 JanisVoigtlaender
PreliminaryProgram? 12 Nov 2009 - 17:18 JanisVoigtlaender
ToolPaperAdvice? 17 Jul 2009 - 07:39 JanisVoigtlaender
ResearchPaperAdvice? 16 Jul 2009 - 10:58 JanisVoigtlaender
Co-locatedMeetings? 18 Jun 2009 - 12:28 JanisVoigtlaender
ConferenceOrganization? 28 May 2009 - 08:56 JanisVoigtlaender
PEPMProgram? 28 May 2009 - 08:53 JanisVoigtlaender
CallForPapersText? 28 May 2009 - 07:24 JanisVoigtlaender
PEPMPublicity? 07 Oct 2007 - 23:23 RobertGlueck
PEPMNews? 27 Jul 2007 - 17:18 RobertGlueck
WebNotify 22 Jul 2007 - 23:56 RobertGlueck
TravelInfo? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:38 RobertGlueck
ElectronicSubmission? 22 Jul 2007 - 20:17 RobertGlueck
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PublicityList06? 19 Jan 2006 - 21:58 EmirPasalic
TutorialsAndWorkshops? 19 Jan 2006 - 18:57 ToddVeldhuizen
ConferenceFlyer? 14 Jan 2006 - 01:18 EmirPasalic
ConferenceProgram? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
Venuehtml? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
ConferenceRegistration? 13 Jan 2006 - 21:46 EmirPasalic
SubmissionFormat? 28 Oct 2005 - 10:04 ChristaSchwanninger
WebChanges 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 MartinBravenboer
PrintCall? 05 Jan 2004 - 23:38 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
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WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny
First International Workshop on
Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2012)

Sun, March 25, 2012
Tallinn, Estonia
co-located with ETAPS 2012

BX logo @   ETAPS logo

Bidirectional transformations (bx) are a mechanism for maintaining the consistency of at least two related sources of information. Such sources can be databases, software models, documents, graphs, and trees. BX are an emerging topic in a wide range of research areas with prominent presence at top conferences in different fields. The workshop BX'12 now establishes a dedicated venue for bx in all relevant areas. The methodologies used for bx range from classical program transformation to graph transformation techniques, from ad-hoc techniques for data synchronization to the development of domain-specific languages and their integration. We also solicit papers on model/metamodel co-evolution, which is a different yet closely related subject.

Aims and Topics

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers, established and new, interested in bidirectional transformations from different perspectives, such as: language-based approaches, software/model transformations, and data/schema co-evolution.

Topics of interest for BX'12 include, but are not limited to:

  • (coupled) software/model transformations
  • software-model synchronization
  • data-schema co-evolution and data synchronization
  • consistency analysis
  • language-based approaches
  • analysis/classification of requirements for bx technologies
  • case studies and tool support
  • comparison of bx technologies
  • efficiency of algorithms and benchmarks

Regular submissions (11-15 pages) can be:

  • research papers providing new concepts and results
  • position papers and research perspectives
  • papers that apply bx in new domains
  • papers closing gaps between formal concepts and application scenarios

We also welcome submissions of short papers as well as abstracts for lightning talks.


Accepted regular papers will appear as a volume of EC-EASST. A preliminary version of the proceedings, including the short papers and lightning talk abstracts as well, will be available at the workshop.

Authors of short papers may be invited to extend their contribution to a full paper for inclusion in the formal proceedings.

Submissions can use LNCS or EC-EASST style. See the submission guidelines for details.

Follow this link for the complete Call for Papers. There is also a more compact PDF version.

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    • Set LATEREGISTRATION = ??, 2007

    • Set CONFERENCEDAYS = Sun, March 25, 2012

    • Set VENUE = Tallinn, Estonia


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    Jan 2008 9554 0 0 1433 WebHome
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    Nov 2007 8164 17 0 1673 WebHome
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    Sep 2007 7368 3 0 1582 WebHome
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    May 2007 4489 0 0 530 WebHome
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    Dec 2006 4452 17 0 1122 WebHome
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    Sep 2006 2926 5 0 650 WebHome
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    Jul 2005 1191 0 0 389 WebHome
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    Jun 2005 923 0 0 375 WebHome
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    May 2005 848 7 0 371 WebHome
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    Feb 2005 2975 7 0 1164 WebHome
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    Nov 2004 836 18 0 407 WebHome
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    Oct 2004 400 30 0 206 WebHome
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