ArieVanDeursen and EelcoVisser
In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), 2002. IEEE Computer Society.
The ReverseEngineering and ReEngineering research communities have a strong tradition of collecting, organizing, and unifying research results. Typical examples include the ReverseAndReengineeringTaxonomy, dedicated web sites, the ReengineeringBibliography, as well as efforts in ExchangeFormats and tool evaluation. In this paper we describe and evaluate the use of a web authoring system to integrate such efforts. To that end, we propose the ''ReengineeringWiki'', which uses Wiki technology to enable web site visitors themselves to maintain and organize pages devoted to their topics of interest. This paper covers web authoring criteria, an introduction to wiki technology, typical wiki usage, and an evaluation of wiki-based systems. Moreover, the paper discusses the organization and contents of the Reengineering Wiki, and concludes with an invitation to participate in the Reengineering Wiki project.