Exact Clones Using TXL
Software Transformation Systems
TXL solution to
TIL Chairmarks #4.6: Clone detection.
This example implements clone detection for exact clones of structured statements (if, while, for) in a TIL program and outputs the program with clones marked up using XML tags indicating the clone class of each instance.
JamesCordy - 15 Oct 2007
File "TILclonesexact.Txl"
% Clone detection on Tiny Imperative Language programs
% Jim Cordy, October 2007
% Given a TIL program, this program finds exact clones
% of stuctured statements (if, while and for statements)
% and outputs the program with exact clones marked up
% to indicate their clone class.
% Usage: txl program.til TILclonesexact.Txl > program.clones
% Begin with the TIL base grammar
include "TIL.Grm"
% Overrides to conflate all structured statements into one nonterminal type.
% Putting [structured_statement] before existing statement forms makes
% it the preferred parse for the statements it matches.
redefine statement
| ...
end redefine
define structured_statement
| [for_statement]
| [while_statement]
end define
% Overrides to allow XML markup of TIL statements.
redefine statement
| [marked_statement]
end redefine
define marked_statement
[xmltag] [NL][IN]
[statement] [EX]
[xmlend] [NL]
end define
% [SPOFF] and [SPON] temporarily disable default spacing in tags
define xmltag
< [SPOFF] [id] [SP] [id] = [number] > [SPON]
end define
define xmlend
< [SPOFF] / [id] > [SPON]
end define
% Main program
function main
replace [program]
P [program]
% First make a table of all repeated structured statements
construct StructuredClones [repeat structured_statement]
_ [findStructuredStatementClones P]
% Now mark up all instances of each of them in the program
% CloneNumber keeps track of the index of each one in the table as we step
% through it using 'each'
export CloneNumber [number] 0
P [markCloneInstances each StructuredClones]
end function
% We make a table of the cloned structured statements by first making a table
% of all structured statements in the program, then looking for repeats
function findStructuredStatementClones P [program]
% Use the extract [^] function to make a table of all structured statements in the program
construct StructuredStatements [repeat structured_statement]
_ [^ P]
% Now add each one that is repeated to the table of clones
replace [repeat structured_statement]
% empty to begin with
_ [addIfClone StructuredStatements each StructuredStatements]
end function
function addIfClone StructuredStatements [repeat structured_statement] Stmt [structured_statement]
% A structured statement is cloned if it appears twice in the table of all statements
deconstruct * StructuredStatements
Rest [repeat structured_statement]
deconstruct * [structured_statement] Rest
% If it does appear (at least) twice, add it to the table of clones
replace [repeat structured_statement]
StructuredClones [repeat structured_statement]
% Make sure it's not already in the table
deconstruct not * [structured_statement] StructuredClones
StructuredClones [. Stmt]
end function
% Once we have the table of all clones, we mark up each instance of each of them
% in the program with its clone class, that is, the index of it in the clone table
rule markCloneInstances StructuredClone [structured_statement]
% Keep track of the index of this clone in the table
import CloneNumber [number]
export CloneNumber
CloneNumber [+ 1]
% Mark up all instances of it in the program
% 'skipping' avoids marking any instance twice
skipping [marked_statement]
replace [statement]
<clone class=CloneNumber> StructuredClone </clone>
end rule
Example run:
<linux> cat cloneseg1.til
// Silly meaningless example with lots of exact clones
var n;
write "Input n please";
read n;
var f;
f := 2;
while n != 1 do
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
n := n / f;
if n = 3 then
n := 2;
f := f + 1;
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
if n = 3 then
n := 2;
n := n / f;
while n != 1 do
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
n := n / f;
if n = 3 then
n := 2;
f := f + 1;
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
n := n / f;
<linux> txl cloneseg1.til TILclonesexact.Txl
TXL v10.5 (22.9.07) (c)1988-2007 Queen's University at Kingston
Compiling TILclonesexact.Txl ...
Parsing cloneseg1.til ...
Transforming ...
var n;
write "Input n please";
read n;
var f;
f := 2;
while n != 1 do
<clone class=1>
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
n := n / f;
<clone class=2>
if n = 3 then
n := 2;
f := f + 1;
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
<clone class=2>
if n = 3 then
n := 2;
n := n / f;
while n != 1 do
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
n := n / f;
<clone class=2>
if n = 3 then
n := 2;
f := f + 1;
<clone class=1>
while (n / f) * f = n do
write f;
n := n / f;
JamesCordy - 15 Oct 2007