Stratego/XT 0.17
Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
Stratego/XT 0.17 - released July 2009
Known issues
- On 64 bit systems, parsing using SGLR (which is used in many Stratego programs) can result in SEGV due to limited stack size. This can be solved by executing
ulimit -s unlimited
, or with any bigger stack size than the current one.
- The ATerm library needs this patch to work.
See the
installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs.

Source tar.gz

SuSE Linux RPM
SuSE 11.0:
SuSE 10.3:

Fedora Core RPM
Fedora Core 11:
Fedora Core 10:
Fedora Core 9:
Fedora Core 5:

Debian DEB
Debian 5.0:
Debian 4.0:

Ubuntu DEB
Ubuntu 9.04:
Ubuntu 8.10:
Ubuntu 8.04:

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries
- The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file
with installation instructions.

Mac OS X binaries
- The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file
with installation instructions.

Nix Package
One-click installation using
Nix, open with
Stratego/XT Manual
The Stratego/XT Manual is a series of three books: a tutorial, a series of examples, and a reference manual with the finer details of the language and tools. The manual is available online and can be downloaded for offline use.
Warning: this manual is specific for Stratego/XT 0.17 and will not be extended. The latest version of the manual, available at at the
documentation page, might be more extensive, but might also cover features that were not yet available in Stratego/XT 0.17.
Stratego/XT API Documentation
Online API documentation:
Download API documentation for local and offline use:
Stratego/XT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Despite the disclaimer above we do our best to help users of Stratego/XT.
Subscribe to the Stratego
mailing lists, in particular the stratego-announce
and stratego mailing lists to get announcements of new releases and ask questions
about usage of the languages and tools.
Also we're interested to know what people are using Stratego/XT for and how
it might be improved, so feel free to drop
us a line.
Stratego/XT 0.17 - released July 2009
Summary of Changes
Stratego/XT 0.17 introduces major improvements across the board,
including language additions, a new compiler library, numerous
improvements to the compiler, significant changes to the library
handling, new libraries for parsing, pretty printing and term
validation, 64-bit support, stack traces and more.
For this release, over 200 outstanding issues have been addressed,
much thanks to the efforts of external bug reporters and contributors.
The manual has been updated to reflect the changes made to the
language and libraries, and the new libraries come with up-to-date
source code documentation.
Stratego in Print
M. Bravenboer, K. T. Kalleberg, R. Vermaas, and E. Visser. Stratego/XT
0.17. A Language and Toolset for Program Transformation. Science of
Computer Programming, 2008. Special issue on Experimental Systems and
Stratego Compiler
Standard C: Dropped GCC's nested functions
The backend has been changed so that the GCC-specific nested functions
feature is no longer required. This makes the C-code a lot more
portable across GCC-supported platforms, since nested functions are
not reliably supported on all architectures, notably not on MIPS and
OSX/Intel. Furthermore, this allows Stratego to use other C compilers
for than GCC for the generation of platform-specific binary code.
- [STR-697] - Standalone strc; allow users to override --cc and ---ld
- [STR-119] - Replace GCC nested functions by stack-allocated closures as structs
Stack traces on "rewriting failed"
The compiler backend and supporting runtime code have been modified to
provide full stack traces for the dreaded "rewriting failed"
Consider the following program:
main = foo
foo = bar
bar = fap ; zap
fap = id
zap = fail
When executed, it will print:
prog: rewriting failed, trace:
This also works when you use
and friends, but there are some
- Only code compiled with the new compiler will show up in the
stack trace: if you call old libraries, stack frames for those
strategies will be invisble.
blocks and other reasons for lifting will show up as
A tiny set of stack introspection strategies for debugging purposes
has also been introduced.
A new "with" construct for rewrite rules
A new
construct has been added for rewrite rules, which makes
use of the stack tracing feature above. A
clause works much
like a regular
clause, and can for example be used to assign
variables for use in the right-hand side of a rule:
|[ e1 + e2 ]| -> |[ x_add(e1, e2) ]|
<typeof> e1 => Int()
; <typeof> e2 => Int()
x_add := <new-add-operation> (e1, e2)
However, unlike the
clause, its operations are not allowed to
fail, or a run-time error will be reported with a stack trace. Thus,
this addition allows Stratego programmers to explicitly distinguish
conditions of a rule (the
clause) and
that must always succeed (the
clause). This helps in
readability and in debugging errors in rewrite rules. Any failures
inside a
clause are considered programmer errors: the contract
specified by the
clause is then not satisfied (for example, a
rule may require some dynamic rule to be defined). By immediately
reporting such errors, this feature allows them to be quickly
identified, avoiding problems that are only detected in the result of
a transformation (e.g., after some rules did not fire in a
topdown(try(s)) strategy).
For every rewrite rule, an unrestricted number of
clauses can be used. In strategies,
can be used as a strategy
invocation, similar to
with(<may-not-fail> t)
Compiler library
The compiler has been librarified. Program analysis and transformation
tools which work on Stratego code may now be based on the Stratego
compiler library. The intent is to make meta-programming with Stratego
a lot easier and speedup the Stratego compiler.
- [STR-311]
- strc-lib : a library for compilation (meta-programming)
Stratego Language
Assignment operator
An assignment operator has been added to the language as a more
attractive syntax for the common pattern
s => t
. In the assignment
operator, the variable name is now before the right-hand side. Also,
the right-hand side is a term pattern.
get-signature(|file) :
Method(_, returntype, name, types, _, _) ->
MethodSignature(cn, returntype, name, types)
cn := <get-classname> file
This used to be written as:
<get-classname> file => cn
Note that this is a purely syntactic change: the variable can only be
assigned to once.
Dynamic rules
Improved flow-sensitive transformations
Thanks to Bogdan Dumitriu, the dynamic rule facility of Stratego has been
extended to deal with additional control flow constructs, including break,
break to label, continue and exceptions (try-catch-finally). Some of the
dynamic rule strategies, such as
have been extended to work with labels, and new dynamic rule prefixes
are introduced.
from Stratego User Days 2006 provides a high-level walk-through.
Scoped global variables
Stratego now supports
scoped global variables. In the context of a
dynamic rules section one can now write
rules( Foo := <compute> )
which abbreviates the following commonly used programming pattern:
x := <compute>
; rules( Foo : _ -> x )
The value bound in the assignment can be retrieved by the application <Foo>.
The usual scoping features of dynamic rules apply to global variable as well.
For more information see this
Chained dynamic rules
A useful extension to the standard strategies generated for invoking
dynamic rules such as bagof-Foo, once-Foo, etc.
The idea is that it is in general useful to apply a sequence of
dynamic rules, but not produce all possible results, but chain each
result to the next dynamic rule invocation.
Suppose that you have two dynamic rules defined:
Foo : x -> (1, x)
Foo : x -> (2, x)
With these two rules defined, applying
0 will result in
(2, (1, 0)).
In this way, you can apply a series of dynamic rules to a term. Note
that you can achieve this with repeat(once-Foo) as well, but once-Foo
will remove the rule from the environment, which is not always
While chain-Foo only applies the rules visible in the current scope,
bigchain-Foo applies the rules from all scopes.
External Constructor Declarations
- [STR-672]: fix multiple external definitions problems
While proper strategy definitions that are imported as externals are
not exported as externals from a library (as per August 2006),
constructors imported by a library, were also exported by that
library. This caused congruences to be regenerated, possibly not in
that same library, but in a library one step further in the import
chain. Thus, the external definitions for congruences from an imported
library, prevented generation of new congruences. However, since
imported external definitions are not exported, the next library does
not see those congruence definitions, and will re-generate them;
giving rise to a warning when the external definition for this new
congruence is imported in another application or library.
To solve this issue constructors are now treated in the same way as
strategy definitions.
There is now a notion of "external" constructor declarations. Syntax:
external Foo : A * B -> C
These external constructor declarations are exported by a library along
with the external definitions for the strategies in the library. Thus,
importing libraries and programs can use these constructors in rules
and strategies.
However, external constructors are not exported from an importing
library. Just like external definitions are not exported from an
importing library. This entails that a third library that imports the
second, does not get the constructor declarations of the first. In order
to use those, the first library needs to be imported explicitly. Here is
an example:
Library A
module A
Foo : A
module libA
external Foo : A
Library B
module B
imports libA
bar = !Foo()
// constructor Foo is available through libA import
module libB
external bar
// only strategy bar is exported, not constructor Foo
Library or Application C
module C
imports libB
baz = !Foo(); ...; bar
// error! libB does not export constructor Foo
Library or Application C // corrected
module C
imports libB libA
baz = !Foo(); ...; bar
// Foo is imported through libA
This change may break existing code; explicit imports of indirectly
imported libraries are needed. In practice, the change had a minimal
impact on the code in Stratego/XT and derived projects.
Rule syntax in let
The let
construct now allows the defition of rules in addition to strategies:
let R : p1 -> p2
Import ATerm from file
A new language construct called import-term
was added which allows
the embedding of terms (data) directly into the program.
get-pp-table = import-term(pptable.trm)
This removes the need for external data files, such as parse and
pretty-print tables. The resulting executable is self-contained, thus
making deployment of your program transformation tools easier.
- [STR-577] - Stratego: support import of an ATerm from a file
Stratego Libraries
A new discipline for library naming and usage is introduces in
0.17. The standard library is now named libstratego-lib
, whereas the
XTC library is named libstratego-xtc
. Additional libraries have been
added for parsing, pretty printing and term validation, see below.
Migrating from XTC to libraries
To avoid the term serialization paid when composing transformation
pipelines using XTC, the compiler and all supporting tools have been
rearchitected as libraries in addition to the familiar XTC
For Stratego/XT users, the most significant change is that the SGLR
parser, the various RTG tools and the GPP tools are now available as
libraries, respectively named libstratego-sglr
, libstratego-rtg
and libstratego-gpp
The librarification allows parse tables to be loaded once, at startup,
and used repeatedly when multiple files must be parsed (when using
XTC, the parse table is loaded by the sglr
child process every time
a file must be parsed).
Consider the following program:
module foo
main =
tbl := <import-term(Exp.tbl); open-parse-table>
; <parse-string(|tbl)> "a+b"
It assumes the existence of a parse table (Exp.tbl
). This table is
included into the program using the import-term
(introduced above). The call to open-parse-table
will register the
parse table with the libstratego-sglr
library, and subsequent calls
to parse-string
will not need to reload the parse table.
Compiling and executing the program:
$ strc -i foo.str $(strcflags stratego-lib stratego-sglr)
$ ./foo
The resulting program foo
is now fully self-contained. It does not need
the Exp.tbl
file to execute.
API documentation for the Stratego Libraries is available from the
Documentation page on the Stratego/XT website.
The new tool strcflags
makes it no longer necessary to know all the
details of how to invoke the Stratego compiler when you're using a
certain library. Given the name of a package or Stratego library, the
tool returns the flags (such as include paths) for strc.
$ strc -i foo.str $(strcflags stratego-lib)
You can also specify multiple packages. For example, if you're using
java-front, then you are usually using the Stratego library as well.
$ strc -i foo.str $(strcflags stratego-lib java-front)
The tool strcflags is a simple wrapper around the tool pkg-config
which we are using for configuring Stratego/XT packages when building
packages from source.
To support strcflags with your own packages, add a declaration of a
variable strcflags
to the pkg-config .pc
Easy library creation
Creating libraries using the Stratego compiler has never been
easier. By using the --library
option to the compiler, all necessary
library files will be created.
$ strc -i foo.str --library
The resulting output includes static and dynamic libraries, as well as
libtool support files:
libfoo.a libfoo.c libfoo.lo libfoo.o libfoo.rtree
This option is intended for creating libraries that are not part of an
autoconf/automake package, similar to invoking strc
to compile a
program all the way to an executable.
This release brings about major improvements to the deployment capabilities of
Standards-compliant libraries
The Stratego libraries expose various features from the underlying
platform Stratego/XT executes on. In 0.17, the library has been
refactored so that the dependence on platforms is clearer, and this
gives rise to several variants of the library, including one for C99,
POSIX and one for POSIX+XSI. The great majority of Stratego/XT
programs, use the high-level strategies for file and term I/O, and
these programs will be unaffected.
The main benefit of this change is that we can now build all the
Stratego libraries on platforms that only support functions from
standard C99 (i.e. not full POSIX). This enables the deployment of
Stratego applications on such platforms. Some strategies from the
Stratego library are only available in the POSIX and POSIX+XSI
extensions. The name of the modules defining these strategies reflect
- [STR-613] - Stratego library: Allow creation of library for specific standard (C99, POSIX, POSIX XSI)
Native Windows Support (MinGW)
Stratego/XT now supports compiling natively on Microsoft Windows using
MinGW. This results in a smaller footprint because of significantly
fewer and smaller dependencies as compared with Cygwin.
Binaries created for MinGW can be deployed to Microsoft Windows users
without any dependencies.
For this purpose, the stratego-libraries
package is also available
separately from Stratego/XT as source tarball and native Microsoft
Windows binaries. If you already have Stratego/XT, then there is no
need to install the stratego-libraries
OSX support
Stratego/XT 0.17 now fully supports OSX on PowerPC as well as Intel CPUs.
x86-64 support
Thanks to patches from Eelco Dolstra, the ATerm library now supports
64-bit machines, and the final blocker preventing Stratego/XT running
on 64-bit is now removed. This means 64-bit support is finally
here. Binary packages for 64-bit Linux distributions are provided for
your convenience.
Detailed List of Issues
The full list of issues closed in this release is available at:
Download and Installation
The release page contains the source distributions, binary RPMs, and
detailed instructions on how to install the distributions:
Bugs and Known Problems
See our issue tracking systems for reports about (open) bugs:
Please report any problems with installation or bugs in the
implementation to our issue tracking system. Please check the existing
issues to see if a report about the problem was already submitted.
Developments, bug reports, and beta tests carried out by
- Sigoure Benoit
- Eric Bouwers
- Martin Bravenboer
- Arthur van Dam
- Valentin David
- Eelco Dolstra
- Bogdan Dumitriu
- Karl Trygve Kalleberg
- Lennart Kats
- Nicolas Pierron
- Zef Hemel
- Rob Vermaas
- Eelco Visser