TWiki Site Map
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Main  |
The Main web is dedicated to the maintenance of this website. This is the place to discuss meta-issues such as what style to use, how best to organize a survey, what the ideal topic size is, how to refer to papers, what the preferred layout of the site should be, etc. | ... |
TWiki  |
Welcome, Registration, and other StartingPoints; TWiki history & Wiki style; All the docs... | ...discover TWiki details, and how to start your own site. |
Gmt  |
Generative Model Transformer | |
Gpce  |
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Octave  |
The Stratego web is the home of Stratego, a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The aim of this language is to provide an expressive and declarative language for expressing all kinds of program transformations. The web includes publications on Stratego, download of the StrategoCompiler, documentation, and descriptions of applications. | ... |
Sandbox  |
Sandbox test area with all features enabled. | ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web. |
Sdf  |
The Sdf web is dedicated to the modular syntax definition formalism SDF. Here you can find implementations, pointers to download pages, syntax definitions for common languages, discussions about new features and implementatios of SDF, and tips and tricks for using the formalism. | ... |
SdfBackup  |
The Sdf web is dedicated to the modular syntax definition formalism SDF. Here you can find implementations, pointers to download pages, syntax definitions for common languages, discussions about new features and implementatios of SDF, and tips and tricks for using the formalism. | ... |
Stratego  |
The Stratego web is the home of Stratego, a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The aim of this language is to provide an expressive and declarative language for expressing all kinds of program transformations. The web includes publications on Stratego, download of the StrategoCompiler, documentation, and descriptions of applications. | ... |
Sts  |
The Sofware Transformation Systems wiki | |
Tiger  |
Home of the Tiger in Stratego project, which is concerned with the exploration of transformation techniques in compilation using an implementation of a Tiger compiler. | ... |
Tools  |
The Tools web is the home of the XT? bundle of program transformation tools. XT is an open framework for program transformation based on the ATerm format for exchange of programs between tools. The bundle includes packages for parsing, pretty-printing, term rewriting, and grammar recovery. It also contains a distribution of the SDF2? GrammarBase?. The OnlinePackageBase is an open collection of packages for program transformation supporting package bundling on demand. | ... |
Transform  |
The Transform web is an attempt to get an overview of program transformation research and application. In the first place the web is a collection of resources such as pointers to researchers, conferences, journals, summaries and reviews of papers, and tools for implementing transformation systems. In the second place the Transform web attempts to bring structure in the world of program transformation by means of categories, taxonomies such as the TransformationTaxonomy, and entry points such as the ReengineeringWiki and the DeCompilation page. | ... |
You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact webmaster@strategoxt.org if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. See also AdminTools. |