Lift Definitions To Top Level

Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
Local strategy definitions can be lifted to the top-level if they do not contain free variables. For example,
  foo(s) = 
    Bar(s, id)
    ; let f = !"foobar"
       in foobar(f)
can be transformed to
  f = !"foobar"
  foo(s) = 
    Bar(s, id)
    ; foobar(f)
This transformation reduces the number of nested functions in the generated C code. The optimization is part of the Stratego optimizer included in StrategoRelease093.


The transformation can be extended by applying 'lambda lifting', i.e., also lift definitions with free variables. For example,

  foo(s) = 
    Bar(s, ?x)
    ; let f = ?"foobar"; !x
       in foobar(f)
can be tranformed to
  f(|x) = ?"foobar"; !x
  foo(s) = 
    Bar(s, ?x)
    ; foobar(f(|x))
in which x is passed 'by value' to f, which has been extended with an extra argument.

This abstraction does not work for 'by reference' variables as in the following example:

  foo(s) = 
    ?Bar(x, y)
    ; let f = ?FooBar(x, z)
       in <oncetd(f)> y
    ; z

-- EelcoVisser - 18 Aug 2003