Submission Format
ACM SIGPLAN 2007 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
Tuorial Submission Format
Proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail, as plain text or in PDF, according to the following template:
- Title
- The title expresses the contents of the tutorial well without being too long.
- An effective title attracts participants' curiosity.
- Speaker(s)
- Give the full name and address of the tutorial speaker(s).
- If there is more than one speaker, a contact person should be clearly designated.
- Don't forget to specify the electronic mail address.
- Abstract (to appear in the Advance Program)
- The abstract should concisely describe the contents and goals of the tutorial.
- It should not be longer than 150 words.
- Outline (to present to the committee the proposed contents of the tutorial)
- The outline should present a table of contents as a sequence of sections.
- Each section should be described with a few brief sentences or keywords
- For each section, an estimate should be given of the time to be spent.
- Duration
- Tutorials can be half-day or full-day. Half-day tutorials are preferred.
- A half-day tutorial lasts for about 3 1/2 hours, including a 1/2 hour break.
- A full-day tutorial lasts for about 8 hours, including two 1/2 hour breaks,
and a 1 hour lunch break.
- Level
- The tutorial level can be introductory, intermediate or advanced
- Required Knowledge (to appear in the Advance Program)
- The proposal should state the specific knoweldge or skills expected of your participants.
- The statement should not be longer than 20 words.
- Expected audience
- The proposal must describe typical or expected participants.
- The proposal must outline the benefits to participants (e.g., in use of new skills or application of
new knowledge).
- Extended speaker profile
- The affiliation, interests, and experience of each speaker must be provided.
- The profile should clearly explain why the speaker is the right person to give the tutorial.
- Summary speaker profile (to appear in Advance Program)
- Provide a short version of the Speaker's profile to be included in the Advance Program.
- It should not be longer than 40 words.
- Tutorial resume
- The Resume describes previous offerings of the tutorial, if any.
- If previously offered, provide the number and level of previous participants.
- If available, include ratings of the tutorial as evaluated by previous participants.
- Equipment requirements
- The proposal should specify the equipment required.
- The conference organizers can arrange for slide projectors, video projection facilities,
tables, power plugs, and paper boards.
- Participants may be expected to bring computing equipment.
- Actual Presentation Materials
- The proposal may include previously prepared tutorial materials such as slides or handouts:
these are not required for submmission, however.
- Submitted actual presentation materials show depth and maturity of the tutorial.
- Even for a new tutorial a few sample slides would help the committee judge
the expected quality of the presentation.
The tutorial submission should be contained within five pages (excluding any materials submitted under item 13 above).
Various parts of the proposal for accepted tutorials may be edited for incorporation in the Advance Program.
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