Generative Programming and Component Engineering
What should a tutorial look like?
In case your tutorial is accepted, the following offers suggestions for preparing and
presenting your tutorial.
- Contents
- When preparing the tutorial, keep your audience in mind.
- People don't pay for a tutorial in order to hear things that they already know or that are irrelevant for their work.
- Don't be vague, don't waste time with lengthy introductions, but speak to the point.
- Don't try to impress the audience with the amount of your research, but convey practical knowledge and ideas that the participants will find useful for their own work.
- Whenever possible, use examples and case studies and avoid lengthy abstract passages.
- Consider demonstrations on video or an overhead panel.
- In order to get an audience as homogeneous as possible, clearly state which knowledge you expect from the participants in the tutorial description.
- Slides and notes
- You will have to prepare tutorial notes for the participants.
- These handouts usually contain copies of the slides that you show.
- Use at least a 14 pt (or better an 18 pt) font on all of your slides.
- A good slide should not just repeat everything you say but summarize your presentation.
- Use short phrases and keywords instead of full sentences.
- People cannot read as fast as you speak. Make heavy use of pictures and examples.
- Use colors where they are helpful, but remember that they will not appear in the black and white handouts.
- Don't put too much or too little material on a single slide.
- A good rule of thumb is to spend 3 minutes per slide.
- Don't include slides that you will skip in the presentation; people will find that annoying.
- You will have to deliver the tutorial notes in camera-ready form before the conference. The deadline will be announced.
- To avoid wasting paper, copy two slides on a single page (reduced size). The printed area of such a page must not exceed 27 x 17cm (10.5 x 6.7 inch).
- In addition to the slide copies, also consider providing full-text handouts (papers, summaries, bibliography, etc.). Participants will appreciate that.
- The maximum length of the notes for a half-day tutorial should be 50 pages for slide copies and another 20 pages for full-text material. For full-day tutorials these numbers can be doubled.
- Try to achieve good printing quality.
- We will add an uniform cover page to all tutorial notes.
- Put slide numbers on the slides and page numbers on the pages.
- Presentation
- The participants expect that your presentation will be much easier to understand than a book about the same subject.
- Speak clearly and lively. Try to interact with your audience.
- Encourage the audience to ask questions.
- A presentation is much more lively if it also includes examples and demonstrations on the blackboard, on video or on an overhead panel.
- Tutorials should be split into sessions of 1.5 hours each with a 1/2 hour coffee break in between.
- Don't overrun your tutorial time. After the tutorial the participants will be asked to assess the tutorial with a questionnaire.
- A good rating will help you when applying for other tutorials in the future.
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